Subject: Coiled Cobra Core Power with this insane-looking exercise

If you want explosive "coiled cobra" power in your core, you know that crunches and sit-ups aren't going to cut it.

That's where THIS exercise comes in...

I'll tell you right up front...this exercise does NOT make you look if you're very concerned about appearances or doing something different than everybody else, then this exercise is probably not for you (and WOW are you on the wrong site :).

However, if you ARE an independent-minded person and you want to develop INCREDIBLE core strength (specifically anti-rotational core strength) along with a tighter waist, then you are going to LOVE this exercise.

It's also a fantastic exercise for any sort of sport that requires force transfer through the core (between upper and lower body) other words EVERY SINGLE SPORT ON THE PLANET.

I call it a Kettlebell Diagonal Swing Walk and it's basically exactly what it sounds're going to walk while swinging a pair of kettlebells diagonally (almost like cross-country skiing).

Every single step you take forces your core to transfer and accomodate the competing forces of two opposite-swinging kettlebells.

When you're using lighter weights, this is not so as soon as you get accustomed to the movement, you're going to increase the weight until you experience a strong tightening through the core with every step. I'm using a pair of 53 lb kettlebells for this demo.

If you don't have kettlebells, you can also use a pair of dumbbells instead...the exercise will work just the same. The only things you'll need to be aware of are the size of the dummbell heads and the path they swing in. It can make the exercise a bit more awkward as you don't want to hit yourself with a dumbbell during the swing. It's the reason I DO recommend kettlebells, if you have the option.

The key with this exercise is to swing the opposing arm forward to the leg you're stepping with, i.e. when you step forward with the right foot, you swing the left arm forward and vice versa.

This sounds simple but actually takes a bit of practice and coordination. If you end up swinging the same side as you step forward on, your balance will be off.

With your first step, take a very deliberate step forward with your right foot while swinging the left arm forward. The rest will flow from there.

Keep your knees slightly bent as you're walking...if your knees are straight, the swinging force will throw off your balance.

It's a going to be a slow, slightly halting type of walk in order to keep your steps in sync with the swings.

This is even more apparent as you get into heavier weights. Every step will need to be planted firmly on the floor to give your body a solid base upon which to resist that transferred force through the core. Without a firm base, your core won't be able to resist the momentum of the swing and your body will start to rotate (which defeats the whole anti-rotation goal of the exercise!).

When you've gone as far as you can in one direction, turn around and go back.

For distance, I did twice back and forth in my basement gym for each set. This was probably about 40 yards total.

This is an excellent "finishing" exercise for your core. I like to use it towards the end of a workout, so that fatigue doesn't adversely affect other exercises.

Bottom line, this exercise may look kind of stupid but it's EXTREMELY powerful for developing anti-rotational core strength. Every single step puts massive torque through the abdominal area that those core muscles have to deal with.

If your goal is improved athletic performance, give it a try at least'll feel it's potential for turning you into a coiled cobra, ready to strike... ;).

I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you watch the video for this exercise.

Still pictures are good but you really need to see the movement in action in order to really understand how it's done and what it should look like.



Learn 6 more killer core exercises here...

  • #1 - Functional Movement: Dumbbell Crawling
  • #2 - Leg Raise: Barbell Pullover Dragon Flag Leg Raises
  • #3 - Squats and Lunges: One Dumbbell Curl Squats
  • #4 - Presses and Pulls: Ab Rippers
  • #5 - Planks and Isometrics: One-Arm Hammer Planks
  • #6 - Sit-Ups: Pallof Press Abdominal Sit-Ups

These exercises will completely work every single aspect of your core (even ones you never knew existed!).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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