Subject: Claim your FREE ticket - Online Hypertrophy Summit

If you want to REALLY learn how to build muscle, you need to check this out.

This online summit delivers an incredible line-up of presenters, featuring some of the most knowledgeable and experienced trainers and exercise scientists in the business.

In fact, I'll be one of the presenters as well!

Click here now to go learn more and grab your FREE ticket to all the presentations.


Here's just a small sample of what will be covered:

  • Protein Intake to Maximize the Anabolic Response
  • Myo-Reps and Time-Efficient Training for Better Gains
  • Training Gear and Gadgets
  • "Primer" Phases or Maintenance Phases
  • Training to Failure for Hypertrophy...Does it Help or Hurt?
  • Understanding Blood Flow Restriction Training for Hypertrophy
  • Fats vs Carbs...Which is Best For Hypertrophy
  • How to Master Lean Bulking Phases
  • Is it Possible To Build Muscle in Ketosis?
  • The Molecular Mechanisms for Muscle Growth - the mTORC1 Signalling Pathway
  • The Effects of Nitric Oxide Supplements on Hypertrophy and Strength
  • Gaining Mass in a Caloric Deficit

And my talk..."The 4 Physiological Factors That Are Hiding 20 Pounds of Your Untapped Muscle Growth Potential".

(FYI, this covers the same stuff as is in my Metamorphosis this talk, I run through how it works and go into detail on the training techniques used in the program in each phase).

You can sign up to watch all of these presentations for FREE here.

You'll also have the option to buy all of these presentations in recorded video format as well, right after you sign up.

There is a TREMENDOUS amount of muscle-building knowedge being dropped in this summit.

Definitely worth signing up for free here and making sure to watch your favorite talks!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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