Subject: Celebrate International Bench Press Day with this "secret" technique..

Yep, today is Monday...also known as International Bench Press Day in gyms around the world...

So what I've got for you to try out today is the worst-kept secret technique for increasing your bench press FAST.


(this isn't it, btw...these are lockouts for targeting connective tissue strength...which, come to think of it, IS another great technique for increasing bench press strength...but that's a tip for another day. If you ARE interested in learning about those, just hit "reply" and let me know)


Now, the reason I say "worst kept" because it's a really secret that most trainers already know...yet consistently don't seem to use!

And that secret is using your BACK.

There are 4 BIG reasons why you need to use your back while benching...

...AND I'm going to show you the simple 2-second method that I use on every set for LOCKING your back into the perfect position
for pressing.

Literally, this has the potential to add 10 to 20 pounds to your bench press INSTANTLY...just by optiminzing your form!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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