Subject: Carve definition and detail into your entire back with this "full-range" exercise...

If you want to fully develop your back in terms of definition and detail, you have to go
beyond just doing deadlifts, heavy rows and chin-ups for need to attack your
lats with two disctinct patterns of pulling movements...vertical and horizontal...done
with strict form.

Develop Eye-Popping Definition and Detail in Your Entire Back With Full-Range Pulldowns

Vertical back movements consist of chin-ups, pull-ups and various forms of pulldowns. Horizontal
movements are your rowing movements (in this case, horizontal means relative to the torso - a barbell
row is in absolute terms a vertical path of movement as you row the bar up against gravity but the
bar path itself is horizontal relative to where your upper body is positioned).

Now, most people instinctively realize this and train both patterns of movement in their back separate exercises.

What if you could cover BOTH patterns of movement in ONE exercise...

I call this exercise a "Full-Range Pulldown" and it's one of my FAVORITES for carving definition
into the back.

Check out Full-Range Pulldowns here...


Now, related to the ideas behind the Full-Range Pulldown exercise is a technique from
Hypertrophy MAX
authors Ben Pakulski and Vince Del Monte that they call the "Pause
& Prime Protocol".

Here's how they describe it:

"The cornerstone of the Pause & Prime protocol is to DESTROY poor movement patterns and teach
you how to access a full and maximum range of motion for your body.

Each body has a correct biomechanical range of motion that must be utilized under some varying
degree of tension to ensure all muscle fibers and motor units are stimulated to maximize the growth
potential of the muscle.

In layman's terms: The Primer Workouts are designed to set the stage for balanced muscle growth
by stimulating a muscle at all points along it's predetermined range of motion with maximum tension
. When you carefully a dhere to the Primer Workouts we set forth, you'll learn how to eliminate
momentum (i.e. fools gold) until your body only knows the absolute perfect movement patters,
growth will be 100% under your conscious control, and it will seem you can pack on slabs of lean
muscle at will."

As you can see from the description, this is right along the same lines as what the Full-Range
Pulldown sets out to do...put tension on the target muscle in all points in the anatomical
range of motion of that muscle.

This tension is CRITICAL for achieving maximum muscle mass.

The Primer Phase also includes detailed nutritional guidelines to accompany your workouts until
Phase 1 arrives on your front doorstep! And for everyone who picks up their Hypertrophy MAX Phase
1 Starter Kit by tomorrow, you'll get instant digital access to this Primer Phase for FREE.

This is excellent stuff and right along with what I know WORKS.

The sooner you get your hands on this primer phase, the sooner you start seeing your body get
bigger and leaner.

Grab it now:

==> 60% OFF Hypertrophy MAX + The 'Pause & Prime' Preparatory Phase ------ expires tomorrow

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Remember, when you pick up their program (no matter what price you sign up at), I'll
kick in a copy of my own "Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass" program. Just
make sure you buy through the links in my emails to qualify (then send your receipt to and we'll hook you up).


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