Subject: Carbs are evil...

I think one of the biggest misconceptions about carbs, as they relate to fat
loss, is that they are somehow "evil."

They're not.

As I like to say about just about everything when it comes training and
have to look at things as tools in your toolbox. Training techniques, exercises and
nutrients aren't necessarily "good" or "bad"...they're just useful or not useful for the
goals you're trying to achieve.

...okay, maybe there are some bad techniques like doing barbell squats standing on
a Swiss ball (I'm crazy in the gym, but I'm not THAT crazy - just build strength
standing on the floor...that's FAR more "functional" than something you'll NEVER
do in real life).

But let me get back to the IS true that your body burns fat more
efficiently when carbs are not present in your system.
Not eating carbs means
your insulin levels and blood sugar levels remain stable, which is the ideal situation
for fat loss.

Insulin is your body's primary storage hormone and when insulin levels are high,
your body can't and won't burn fat. Therefore a strategy based on frequent meals
(even if they're small) that contain a lot of carbs actually DOES have the potential to
slow or stall your fat loss.

Which, if you want to attach emotions to your bodily processes is "bad"...

Here's the thing, though...while eating low-carb IS an excellent and very efficient
way to burn fat, your body figures this out and after 5 to 7 days, adjusts to this state
by slowing down your metabolic rate.

So even eating strict low-carb is only effective for so long before your body
adapts and slows down your metabolism and your fat-loss results.

Which is when you want to put carbs BACK in your system...

Here's the thing, don't want to do that randomly. You want to do it
with a STRATEGY so that you don't immediately put back all the fat you managed to
lose in the first place.

The way I do it (and if you've used any of my fat-loss programs, you'll recognize this)
is to eat low-carb for 5 days, then eat only protein for one day (which after eating low-
carb for this time, really forces your body to dip into bodyfat stores for energy) then
only carbs for one day (fruit, to be specific) THEN back to eating carbs for another
5 to 7 days.

I find this helps manage the insulin response you get from putting carbs back in so
that you're actually taking advantage of it by using insulin to help build muscle rather
than just piling in the carbs and putting fat back on. It also helps prevent any
metabolic slowdown.

Now, my way is obviously not the only way...carb rotation is a concept
that's been around for awhile and there are several excellent and
effective methods out there for doing it.

And that's where my friend Shaun Hadsall comes in.

He's put together a program called the "4 Cycle Solution" and it's a powerful
training and eating system for managing insulin and carbs to achieve maximum
fat loss WITHOUT having to give up carbs and all the deliciousness that goes with
them ;).

It's VERY good stuff...similar in concept to the strategies I've been using for more
than 20 years myself, yet with some really cool new techniques and methods that
I haven't used before.

If you've used my Metabolic Surge program, you'll really like this one.

Check out the "4 Cycle Solution" here...


P.S. He's also put together a very cool bonus that's available for today only...
"Fast Start" video lessons where explains exactly how the programs works and
how to do it.

That and he's got his program on for HALF price this week, too, which is always good.

Learn more about "4 Cycle Solution" here...


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