Subject: "Carb cycling for fat-loss is stupid..."

That was me...22 years ago...

I was in my third year of serious training and I was still
deep in the learning process. I had heard of low-carb
diets and thought they were absolutely stupid.

Like TOTALLY and UTTERLY stupid...

After all, it was the mid 90's and all the bodybuilding
magazines told me if I wanted to lose fat, I had to not
eat fat and keep my carbs and protein up.

I was practially living on canned tuna and rice. It was

Fat makes you fat, right? And you need carbs to keep
your strength and muscle? It's not that simple.

What changed my mind on low-carb and carb-cycling
diets was a revolutionary book called "The Anabolic
Diet" by Dr. Mauro DiPasquale.

This book was a MAJOR eye-opener...I read it cover-
to-cover in one shot...and it just made sense to me in
a way that no other low-carb book ever did.

The gist of the eating program was simple...5 days
low-carb eating, 2 days of higher-carb "free"
eating on the weekends.

The weekend "refeed" refills your glycogen stores and
sets loose a cascade of anabolic hormones so you
rebuild any muscle you may have lost during the "fat-
loss" weekdays.

I'll be honest, the first week was really rough...I was a
carb burner and I experienced some big-time energy

Very quickly, however, I noticed that my body started
to "learn" how to burn fat for fuel more efficiently. It was
developing the enzymatic "machinery" needed to
access and burn fat.

Soon, I found I could train just as hard even without
carbs, and I WASN'T LOSING ANY MUSCLE. It was

To this very day, that book shaped my own approach
to using food as a POWERFUL, ACTIVE TOOL to
burn fat and build muscle...not just using it passively
like most programs do.

And if you've tried any of my programs (like Metabolic
Surge, Muscle Explosion or Mad Scientist Muscle),
you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Carb cycling is now my GO-TO strategy for fat
loss and building muscle.

And over the past years, other trainers have discovered
EXACTLY the same thing I did...carb cycling is one of
the BEST ways to burn fat while keeping muscle.

One of those trainers is my good friend and colleague,
Shaun Hadsall.

Now, when I first met Shaun 4 years ago, I was VERY
impressed with how good a shape he was in...dude

...and I was even more impressed when he told me that
he maintained that level of leanness YEAR-ROUND
while still being able to regularly eat things that many
people would consider "cheat", french
fries, ice cream, etc.

As soon as I he told me, that I immediately said to him
"carb cycling, right?"...

"Yep, exactly"

When I grilled him on it, I found his approach was very
unique. He called his strategy the "4 Cycle Solution"...
and it was designed not for bodybuilders like the
"Anabolic Diet" was truly designed for

It's a step by step system based on a proprietary
nutrition formula called Macro-Patterning™ that shows
you exactly how to eat all the carbs you love and
NEVER store them as fat.

You just have to be “smart” about it and use the 4
PROVEN cycles of fat loss:

CYCLE 1 - The 7 Day Carb Depletion Diet

STOP burning sugars, and START burning fat.

Cycle #1 will INSTANTLY “Shut off” your body’s addiction
to burning sugars and make belly fat your “go to” energy
source to visually SEE your belly get flatter in just 7 short
days – all while you heal any metabolic “damage” you’ve
done from previous dieting or unhealthy eating.

CYCLE 2 - The Macro-Patterning™ Cycle

Eat LOTS of carbs and NEVER store them as fat.

REPROGRAM your body to use carbs as fuel more
efficiently a fuel, and BOOST your metabolic rate with
strategic carb intake.

No more plateaus. No more metabolic slowdown. No
more suffering through a restrictive low carb trendy diet.

CYCLE 3 - The Accelerated Fat-Loss Cycle

Overcome ANY and EVERY type diet adaptation or
weight loss plateau.

Because your body is super smart, it can adapt very
quickly. This is the first fat-loss cycle ever designed to
overcome EVERY type of plateau of sticking point the
body uses to stop you from losing weight so you STAY
on the fat-loss fast track.

CYCLE 4 - The “Diet Break”

KEEP your metabolism "healthy" and consistently
burning fat.

By this point you’ll have overcome every type of adaptive
response related to burning stubborn body fat. Now it’s
time to put your fat-loss on cruise control by enjoying
happy hour every Friday and even using all your favorite
Cheat Foods through the weekend – WITHOUT
suffering any rebound weight gain.

Shaun's "4 Cycle" system bascially used the same
"Anabolic Diet" concepts and took them to the next

In the 4 years since I've known him, Shaun's system
has been used by literally THOUSANDS of people
just like you...and very successfully.

The science behind it is rock solid..I know this from
experience...but really, who care about the science if
it doesn't WORK in the REAL WORLD.

And to me, that's one area where Shaun's "4 Cycle"
approach really shines.

It's practical and doable in the world we all live in...and
it'll allow you to be a lot more "free" in what you eat, so
you don't have to feel like a social outcast at family
gatherings and office parties.

Ok, maybe not THAT free... :)

Your body will be READY for it...and will blow right past
any dietary "indiscretions" ;) you might encounter along
the way.

Bottom line, if you want to lose fat, and "traditional" low-
fat approaches have failed you, this is a program I can
highly recommend for you.

It's going to literally FORCE your body to become a

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
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