Subject: Can't feel your pecs when you bench? Try THIS very cool trick and GROW...

You want to build a great chest, right? Big, ripped slabs of pec meat...that kind of thing... :)

And, of course, the barbell bench press is a KEY exercise for accomplishing that, right?

Well, not always for everybody.

Some people, whether it be due to biomechanics or technique flaws or poor neuromuscular co-ordination, just can't feel their pecs working when they do barbell bench pressing.

Granted, the barbell bench press has its issues as an exercise, but if you want to actually GET something out of the barbell bench press for your chest and you haven't been able to thusfar, THIS is a technique you're going to want to look into.

Click here to learn it now...Inwards-Resisted Band Bench Press

Even if you don't have any trouble feeling your pecs when you bench, check it out, because even if do just fine with barbell bench, this trick can make it even BETTER.


P.S. If you're interested in building muscle and doing it the RIGHT way, I've got a GREAT resource for you.

My friend Jason Ferruggia (author and hardcore strength coach) has just put his muscle-building book "Muscle Gaining Secrets" on a short-term sale, along with three excellent bonuses (Renegade Cardio, Advanced Mass Building Guide, and Armed & Dangerous).

Jason is a no-nonsense trainer and his stuff is always right on target (and entertaining - he's not shy about sharing his opinions about things!). I've learned a LOT from him myself and have changed how I train for mass and strength because of what he's taught me.

This program is DEFINITELY worth the price and til tomorrow (Saturday) at noon EST, it's on sale.

Click here to check it out now...

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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