Subject: Can you build muscle with isometric bodyweight training?

So I'll tell you straight up...nothing is going to keep ME from lifting stupidly heavy things...or carrying stupidly heavy things... ;).

...but the answer to that question is YES.

You CAN actually build muscle using nothing more than your bodyweight and very targeted isometrics (which basically means muscle contraction without movement, i.e. holding a position).

The key is HOW you use isometrics to activate the maximum fibers in a muscle and elicit hormonal muscle-building response in the body.

Your body only knows resistance and doesn't care if it's weight or bodyweight.

Here are the three main forms of isometric contraction you'll need to use...


The first type of isometrics is called Static Contraction. During this type of contraction, your muscles squeeze but you don't actually move or push against anything.

For example, flex your bicep as tightly as you can. Voila! You just did a Static Contraction.

When you know the exact length of time to perform this contraction you'll notice both strength and size improvements.

That's the great thing about isometrics... you can do them literally anywhere.



The second type of isometric is Yielding contraction. This type of contraction is a bit different than Static Contraction because it helps you recruit even more muscle fibers inside your body.

Essentially, your goal is to contract the muscles to prevent movement of your body....similar in concept to an eccentric-focused rep but without movement, i.e. with a push-up, you would hold a position to prevent your body from coming down to the floor.

When you apply the Yielding Contraction technique to your workouts you can immediately recruit a lot more muscle fibers.



The third method of isometric contraction (and maybe the most powerful on its own) is the Overcoming Contraction.

Remember, when I told you that the key to isometrics is recruiting all the muscle fibers?

This method achieves it and is defined as pushing against an immovable object.

One example is pushing against a wall. If you push against a wall with all of your might you feel every single muscle engage in attempt to move that immovable object.


Putting it All Together

THIS is where isometric bodyweight training really gets powerful...when you learn how to put these various forms of contraction together in a targeted workout.

How to do that is beyond the scope of what I can write here, however, there is a LOT more to learn about how each form of contraction should be manipulated and put into a program.

If you ARE interested in learning more about Isometric Bodyweight Training and how you can use it to achieve serious muscle growth and strength gains with NO gym at all, there is a resource I would highly recommend.

It's called Isometrics Strength, put out by my friend and colleague Todd Kuslikis.

This will guide you through everything you need to know to make maximum gains with minimum equipment using isometric training.

Check out Isometrics Strength's excellent info.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Just so you know up front, when you pick up a copy of the program (and it's literally DIRT CHEAP), you'll also get a 14-day trial membership to Todd's "Bodyweight Physique Academy" site where you'll get a ridiculous amount of information on how to build muscle and strength and get shredded using bodyweight training methods. If, at any time, you feel it's not for you, you can easily cancel, no questions asked.
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