Subject: Can you actually SPLIT your muscle fibers with this training?

Muscle fiber hyperplasia is one of THE
single most powerful concepts when it
comes to building muscle.

It means splitting muscle fibers into MORE muscle
fibers, rather than just growing the size of the ones
you've got.

If you stop and think about that for a moment and let it
sink's an awesome concept.

Because the more muscle fibers you've got, the easier
it is to build muscle mass in general.

More fibers = more growth potential.

In fact, one of the reasons some people seem to gain
muscle faster and easier than other people comes
down to this simple axiom...they just have more muscle

So it stands to reason, if you could take somebody with
fewer fibers and somehow train them so that their fibers
split to make more fibers, they would immediately ALSO
have greater growth potential.

THAT is what the training style I'm going to show you is all about...hyperplasia/fiber splitting.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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