Subject: Can you REALLY burn 1,000 calories in a single workout?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got something cool for you here...and before I tell you what it
is, yep, it IS possible to burn that many calories in a single
workout, IF you know what you're doing. Not saying saying it's
going to be easy, though ;)

My friends and fitness experts Joel Marion and Arnel Ricafranca
just released a DYNAMITE report entitled "4 Keys to 4X's FASTER
Fat Loss", and for the next few days it's 100% freee to


I actually met up with Joel and Arnel a few weeks ago (first time
I had met them in person, even though I've known them online for
a few years now) and got a chance to talk to them more in-depth
about this stuff. It's really good info and not some "sit on the
bike for 4 hours" type of training. I like what they done with

It's legit training and really DOES have the potential to work up to
having you burn 1000+ calories in a single workout (with the
emphasis on "work up to" - unless you're already advanced, you're
not going to start at that level!).

So in this report, they reveal 4 unique "under the radar" methods
that get you to the point of actually burning 1,000+ calories in
a SINGLE workout,

Grab it here:



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