Subject: Can you DOUBLE your muscle fibers through hyperplasia?

Muscle fiber hyperplasia is one of THE single most
powerful concepts when it comes to building muscle.
It means splitting muscle fibers into MORE muscle
fibers, rather than just growing the size of the ones
you've got.

If you stop and think about that for a moment and let it sink's an
awesome concept.

Because the more muscle fibers you've got, the easier it is to build
muscle mass in general.

More fibers = more growth potential.

More fibers = more growth potential.

In fact, one of the reasons some people seem to gain muscle faster and
easier than other people comes down to this simple axiom...they just
have more muscle fibers.

So it stands to reason, if you could take somebody with fewer fibers
and somehow train them so that their fibers split to make more fibers,
they would immediately ALSO have greater growth potential.

THAT is what the training style I'm going to show you is all about.

(and yes, I fully realize that it hasn't been proven to happen in humans...
I'll address that on the page with the training technique on it).

So can you DOUBLE your muscle fibers through
hyperplasia? Find out here...


And one quick additional thing...

Today is the last day you'll be able to pick up the free report "The 6
Forgotten Factors of Hypertroph
y" from Vince Del Monte and Ben Pakulski.

They've put some EXCELLENT mass-gaining information into this report
and I think it's absolutely worth picking up a copy of.

Heck, you'll need some hypertrophy after you've double those fibers using
that technique above, right? :)

==> The 6 Forgotten Factors of Hypertrophy Report ----- click to download

Nick Nilsson

The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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