Subject: CURE your lower belly bulge with this exercise...(tough but awesome)

If you have a problem with a bulging or protruding lower abdominal area, you're going to want to try this one for sure...

It targets this area EXACTLY, with the EXACT type of movement you need to tighten it up.

It's also going to be build tremendous strength and stabilizing capability in your core.

This exercise is going to hit the DEEP muscles of your core in a way they've NEVER been hit before, especially in the lower abdominal region.

You're going to be doing a simultaneous push and pull using a dumbbell (for a rowing movement) and a bench (for a push-up movement). All of the torque of these opposing forces goes directly through the deep muscles of the core (the internal and external obliques and the transverse abdominis muscles, a.k.a. the TVA).

Those deep muscles have to contract and lock down HARD in order to stabilize the spine and keep it from rotating. This type of abdominal exercise is known as an "anti-rotation" exercise for that very reason.

It's very similar in concept to my "Ab Ripper" exercise that uses a simultaneous dumbbell bench press and a cable pulldown. However, this version only uses free cable needed.

Using this specific setup, I actually found the majority of the torque went through the lower region of the core area... i.e. the lower belly bulge that so many people have a problem with. This exercise is going to help you tighten it up and flatten it out.

One of the issues with using leg raises, etc. for targeting the lower abs is that they don't necessarily work to "smaller up" the area. They definitely work the lower aspect of the rectus abdominis, but they don't really help pull it in to make the area smaller and flatter.

For that purpose, you have to target the obliques and TVA, which lie underneath the rectus abdominis and have fibers that run diagonal and horizontal, rather than straight up and down. These deep muscles act like a corset around your waist, helping to tighten it up.


How To Do It:

To do this exercise, you'll need an incline bench (ideally and adjustable one) and a dumbbell. Set the bench incline so that the height of the bench is a few inches lower than your waist.

Set the feet of the bench against something solid, so it won't slide during the exercise (you'll see why).

Start with the dumbbell on the floor a few feet in front of your witih your feet set a little back from the end of the bench, set fairly wide for stability.

Set your right hand on the end of the bench.

Now you're ready to start.

The KEY thing to remember when doing this exercise is you want to LOCK DOWN everything from your rib cage to your feet. Your lumbar (lower back) spine shouldn't move...your hips and knees shouldn't move. All of the movement should occur in the arms, shoulders and upper back (thoracic spine).

Reach down and grab the dumbbell. I'm using a 105 lb dumbbell in the demo here. You can work up to some reasonably heavy weight with this one, but definitely start lighter and get an idea of how the movement works. Once you do, I would definitely encourage you to increase the weight. The deep core muscles thrive on heavy loading like this.

Your lower back should be arched, knees bent and your core tight.

Now simultaneously row the dumbbell up and back as you push your body up and back with your right hand.

The majority of the torque and loading in this exercise is going to happen at the bottom, when you start the push-pull. This is when you need to really focus on locking down your deep core muscles so your lumbar spine stays in a neutral position.

Come all the way up until your right arm is locked out and the dumbbell contacts your stomach and thigh.

I would DEFINITLEY recommend you watch the video for this one to get an idea of how the movement goes.

When you've completed your reps on one side, switch to the other side. You'll know you're done your set when you start to lose that "lockdown strength" at the bottom of the push-pull. The moment you feel like your core can't control the torque at the bottom, stop the set.

Again, remember to LOCK DOWN EVERYTHING from your rib cage all the way down to your feet. Nothing else should move, especially the lumbar spine.

When you've completed your reps on the other side, take a minute or two rest then go again. I recommend 2-3 total sets of this exercise.

In terms of when to do this one, keep in mind that it will fatigue your deep, stabilizing core muscles. Don't do it prior to any heavy squatting, deadlifting or overhead pressing.

Other than that, go nuts. This is an incredible exercise that also works the back, chest, biceps and triceps to a good extent, even with the major focus being on the deep core.

Watch the video of this exercise in action here...


Want More INSANELY EFFECTIVE Core Training Like This?

Then you need to get my book "The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of".

I'm not kidding.

If you think the exercise above is good, wait til you try the NINETY other exercises just like it that you'll find in the book...all for just 15 bucks...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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