Subject: CRANK your metabolism with this press-focused "monster" circuit...

This circuit is a's designed to help you crank your metabolism while specifically targeting the chest, shoulders and triceps strongly.

You're going to be alternating sets of a press with an exercise that works another major muscle group in your body. On each press set, you'll use the same weight, while lowering the angle of the bench, to improve the leverage and target a different aspect of your chest.


Exercise 1 - High Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 8 reps

For this, set the incline bench to a high incline of about 60 degrees. This will shift the focus more to the upper chest and delts.

Use a moderate weight for this'll be using the SAME weight for all the pressing sets. I'm using a pair of 65 lb dumbbells.

Exercise 2 - Paused Squats (2 count at bottom - 8 reps)

I'm working these as "bottom start" squats, a.k.a. Anderson Squats, starting off the rails in the power rack. I prefer this method, but you can also do "normal" squats, starting from the top and coming down then back up.

At the bottom of every rep, pause for a 2 count to dissipate the elastic energy in the legs, forcing the muscles to do all the work. This ensures you're getting maximum metabolic effects from the squats.

Use a moderate weight for these. I'm using 225 lbs on the bar for these.

Exercise 3 - Moderately High Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 8 reps

Go right back to your bench and adjust the height down a few notches, so you're doing a moderately high incline of about 45 degrees.

Again, use the SAME set of dumbbells that you did on the first set. Changing the angle will keep the reps up.

Exercise 4 - Neutral Grip Chins - 8 reps

I do these with an alternated grip on normal chin-up bar (like a baseball bat grip). If you have neutral grip handles, that'll work, too.

If you're not strong enough to do at least 8-10 reps of regular chins, I would suggest doing these as Inverted Rows using the same bar you just did the squats on in the rack. Alternatively, you could do V bar pulldown as well, however, that will entail taking up another piece of equipment, which can be tough in a busy gym.

Bring your head up to one side on one rep.

Then the other side on the next rep to keep things even.

Exercise 5 - Small Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 8 reps

Adjust the height of your incline bench down a few more notches, so you're getting a 20-25 degree angle.

Exercise 6 - Lunges to Reverse Lunges - 3-4 reps on each leg.

For this exercise, you'll be stepping forward then backward keeping the plant foot the same, e.g. step forward with left then step back with left keeping the right foot planted. Switch legs after 3-4 reps of it.

I'm using the same 65 lb dumbbells I used for the press, for efficient equipment use.

Then the other leg


Exercise 7 - Flat Dumbbell Bench Press- 8 reps

This is the LAST exercise! Set the bench to flat.



As you can see, you're working all the major muscle groups in the body with special emphasis on the press.

By starting with high incline and progressing downward to better leverage on each successive repetition of the bench press, you target the full sweep of the fan-shaped pec muscles and are able to get the same number of reps all the way through.

You'll need an adjustable incline bench to do this one, along with a single pair of dumbbells, a rack and a barbell. For the number of exercises, it's a low-equipment circuit that doesn't require much moving around or much space. It should be very doable even in a crowded gym.

Take 3-4 minutes rest in between each circuit and do 3-4 total rounds (I was toast after 3).

To see this full circuit in action on my YouTube channel, click here.

Interested in a full program for burning fat while keeping your strength and muscle?

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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