Subject: Burn your quads to cinders...Barbell Cursing Walking Lunges.

For real...this one is awesome and all you need is a barbell...and you'll find out pretty quick why I call it a "cursing" lunge...

I showed a kettlebell version of this a few weeks back. This version is done with a barbell (which is great if you don't have kettlebells or you only have one size).

It's very simple...hold the bar behind your legs with an overhand grip, resting it against your upper hamstrings.

I'm using 95 lbs on the bar here... you don't need a ton of weight. This one is more about the burn on the quads and the pump rather than weight.

Do a walking lunge.

The bottom gives you a nice stretch on the quads. As you come up, straighten up the BACK leg first then step forward. This hits the quads on the back leg, similar to a sissy squat but without the knee stress.

I was moving a bit faster in this version than the kettlebell version (because the bar is much more forgiving in terms of keeping it place on the back of the leg), so I wasn't focusing as much on the stretch, just on plowing through the reps to generate as much lactate as possible.

And that is where the "cursing" part of the name comes from...

This video shows just once up and down the gym floor. I kept going for a few more rounds...then my quads turned to pudding.

Overall, if you're training with minimal equipment (or honestly, even if you have a full commercial gym), and you love blasting your legs into oblivion, you're going to enjoy this one.

Watch the exercise demo here (just goes straight into the exercise).


The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of...

This leg exercise is going to be in it, and it's a good example of the kind of exercises you'll find in the book...highly-effective training you can do with very simple, very minimal equipment.

This will be coming VERY soon...and it'll cover exercises for every single muscle group.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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