Subject: Burn stubborn fat with this new Lactic Acid Training protocol...

If you want to really attack stubborn bodyfat, you need a HORMONAL approach to fat-loss, not just a "calorie" approach.

Just grinding along burning calories doesn't always do the trick to unlock those pockets of "sticky" fat. Because if you can't get the fat out of the fat cells, you can't burn it.

This method gives you the best of both worlds...

You're going to do a lot of calorie-burning work (with intensity) AND you're going to take advantage of your body's hormonal response to Lactic Acid (i.e. lactate), which is to secrete Growth Hormone....and GH is one of the key fat-burning hormones you've got in your body.

I also found this method to be VERY useful for when I'm getting burnt out with heavier or more intense fat-loss workouts. This workout is much less taxing on the nervous system and muscles than many of the conditioning workouts I do.

It's going to allow you to get a good fat-burning effect without trashing yourself, essentially.

Now, it's very important to note that when you're doing Lactic Acid Training, you want to be in a stable or low blood sugar state (fasted state, ideally). If insulin levels are high (as when blood sugar is high), GH response will be blunted and basically ineffective.

This means DO NOT eat 3-4 hours (or more) before your workout. I also suggest not eating any carbs (simple or complex) for at least an hour after as well (protein is fine).


How To Do It:

You're going to alternate between two antagonistic exercises, done non-stop for a set block of time. I used 10 minutes as my time block and that worked very well.

Now when I say non-stop, I mean it....ZERO rest.

That being said, the weights you'll be using are very light so it won't be a problem.

You're going to alternate between dumbbell flyes and chest-supported dumbbell rows. You'll use the same pair of dumbbells on the same bench for this, making it a good "crowded gym" workout. I'm using a pair of 25 lb dumbbells for this.

Start with flyes.

When doing the flyes, try to get CONTINUOUS TENSION on the pecs. Don't come all the way up to lockout...stay just short and try to consciously keep the pecs engaged during the entire set.

The idea is to create "occlusion" in the pecs (blocking/slowing or blood flow), due to the muscle contraction. This traps more waste products (i.e. lactate) in the muscles, which helps increase the GH response.

Get as many reps as you can until the burn shuts you down and you can't move the dumbbells. I call this state "chemical failure" due to the fact that your fibers and nervous system could probably still go, it's just that the pH in the muscles won't allow the contraction.

Now immediately flip over and do chest-supported rows with the same dumbbells.

Again, use a continuous tension style of movement, not coming down to full extension at the bottom, in order to maintain some degree of contraction in the muscles.

Perform reps until the lactic acid shuts you down again.

Then go right back to the flyes and repeat this back-and-forth cycle.

The benefit of using antagonist exercises like this is that you're continuously generating lactic acid in the same general area of the body, but just in different muscle groups. This allows you build up a lot of lactic acid while maintaining a decent degree of work volume and exercise performance.

And because these exercises are done with such light weight, it won't crush your recovery.

I've found this to be an effective way to "sneak" stubborn fat off your body without having to do gut-busting workouts all the time.

Again, only do this type of training FASTED or it won't be effective. Make sure you don't eat anything for 3-4 hours before training...ideally more (along the lines of Intermittent Fasting where it could be 16 hours or more).

Watch the video of this workout here...


If you'd like MORE awesome fat-loss workouts, I've got two books for you.

1. Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

This program weaves Lactic Acid Training directly into the fabric of the program. You'll use it exactly when it'll be most effective by doing it strategically on the low-carb eating days of the program schedule.

2. Metabolic Monsters

This is a book of killer conditioning and fat-loss workouts. Some of these are incredibly challenging and will demand everything of you. Some of them are relatively "easy" like this one, to allow you some recovery while still getting results.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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