Subject: Burn max fat while still eating carbs...(here's a trick)

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If you want to burn maximum fat while still eating carbs, managing your blood sugar can be a real gamechanger.

Stable blood sugar levels allows your body to stay in "burning" mode rather than bouncing in and out of "storage" mode when your blood sugar goes up and down in response to the foods you're eating.

And while getting into a caloric deficit is the primary driver of fat loss, there is a hormonal component that can help make the process more efficient, and that's what we're talking about here.

When your blood sugar goes up, your insulin levels go up and your body goes into that "storage" mode.


Stabilize your blood sugar for more efficient fat loss.

I've been testing a supplement called "Blood Sugar Breakthrough" from the makers of my #1 magnesium supplement "Magnesium Breakthrough" that addresses blood sugar management directly.

The ingredients in their formula are designed to act synergistically with each other to control and stabilize blood sugar levels.

I actually used several of these ingredients with my diabetic dog to help manage her blood sugar.

As soon as I saw them in the formula, I knew this stuff was going to be effective. And while using these ingredients, I was able to pull back on her insulin shots (which she wasn't a fan of) and still keep her blood sugar managed safely.


I put "Blood Sugar Breakthrough" through the carb-wringer...and while it's a not a license to eat crazy amounts of sugar, it can help your body deal with it.

While I didn't track blood sugar numbers via finger stick, I pay close attention to my reactions to foods that I eat.

I can tell pretty quick when my blood sugar is spiking and crashing.

When using this stuff, I tested it with sugary carbs and didn't get NEARLY the same level of sugar rush that I normally would.

I also didn't get the crash (which I was happy about).


It can even help you use the carbs you eat to build more muscle.

When your body is more efficient with controlling blood sugar, you improve your sensitivity to insulin...your body requires less of it to get the job done.

The more sensitive your body is to insulin, the greater the muscle growth enhancing effect it will have for you.

Click here to discover how Blood Sugar Breakthrough can help you burn fat and build muscle more efficiently today.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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