Subject: Bulletproof your spine with this simple exercise...(no more sneezing injuries)

This exercise has the potential to SAVE your back from severe (and possibly accidental and stupid) injury.

You're going to train your spinal stabilizers muscles with offset loading and anti-rotational training.

I call it Typewriter Hypers and it's a GREAT finishing exercise to strengthen and stabilize your back, all the way up and down your spine.

You can do it heavier with an Olympic bar like I'm using or you can use a lighter EZ curl bar to scale it down a bit (and you can put a few light plates on the EZ bar to get it to the middle ground).

Develop Your Spinal Stabilizer Muscles With Typewriter Hypers Other Side Top

A couple of sets of this at the end of your workouts will bulletproof your lower back from sneezing-related injuries :)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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