Subject: Bulking up (aka getting fat) is NOT the best way to build muscle...find out why...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a great article here from Vince DelMonte and Lee
Hayward...the three main pitfalls associated with traditional
bulking up strategies.


This is an excellent article, especially if you're considering
going on a big bulk-up program. I can actually vouch for the
accuracy of these points from personal experience.

When I first started training, in my first 8 months, I went from
145 lbs (and ripped to the bone at about 4% bodyfat) to 217 lbs
(plenty of muscle but a LOT of fat, too). If I had to do it over
again, I would absolutely use this style of cyclic training and
eating to avoid that extra fat gain.

As I mentioned in my email yesterday, this "slingshot" approach,
as I like to call it, is EXTREMELY effective. My own Muscle
Explosion program is based on this core concept, though the
training mechanics of my program are a bit different than Lee and
Vince's program.

Their program is better suited to more late beginner to
intermediate, if you're an advanced trainer, not
to worry! I'm actually going to offer you a free copy of my
Muscle Explosion program (or "Best Mass Exercises You've Never
Heard Of" ebook) to go with it as my gift to you when you
purchase through the tracking link in this email or on that
article page (just forward your receipt to to
claim your bonus):.


This bonus offer will ONLY be available until Thursday at
midnight (and that's when their launch price of $60 off will be
going away, too, just so you know).

Now, I've never given away my Muscle Explosion program as a bonus
for ANYTHING before...when I saw what Vince and Lee had done with
their program, though, I knew it would be the perfect through their program first and you'll get a great
idea of how this whole cycling approach works.

Then you'll be ready to HAMMER it even further with the Muscle
Explosion program and see some seriously freakish gains (I
actually had one guy add more than a HUNDRED pounds to his
deadlift in one 28 day cycle of the program). Yeah, I'm not making
that up...

Don't let anybody tell you fast results like this aren't
possible. It CAN be done with very targeted and very focused training
and eating and serious effort.


P.S. If you missed the article I posted last week on how I used
this cyclical approach to gain 25 lbs in ONE week, you can check
it out here:


I did an experiment on myself where I dieted down HARD for two
weeks then did a week of INSANE eating and training to see how
much rebound weight I could put on. In that article, I lay out
the exact training and eating I used to do it.

It's worth a'll give you an idea of what this type of
cyclic program is all about.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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