Subject: Bulking and cutting = fat cell hyperplasia

From Nick Nilsson

And fat cell hyperplasia means it'll be that much harder to lose fat and get lean...and when you DO get lean, it'll make it that much harder to STAY lean.

This is one of the BIG pitfalls of traditional bulking and this video will give you the full rundown on exactly WHAT fat cell hyperplasia is, why it can really throw a wrench into your goals of building a lean, muscular body and what you can do to avoid it.

The BIG Problem with Bulking and Cutting -- click here

I have to say, this is something I've experienced myself and I wish I would've had info like this when I started training.

When I began training more than 20 years ago, I gained upwards of 75 lbs in 8 months, definitely not all of it muscle...a "bulk" to say the least!

Before I did the bulk I was always VERY normally walking around at about 6 to 7% bodyfat lean (not even exagerrating...I was a long-distance runner). After bulking up like that, I've found it a LOT harder to get down to that level and maintain it for any length of time and fat cell hyperplasia I'm sure is the culprit.

That's why if you're interested in building muscle and not larding up at the same time, this is stuff you really need to know...

The BIG Problem with Bulking and Cutting -- click here


P.S. On this page, I've posted a pic of myself I took a week ago, on the third cycle of my Mad Scientist Muscle program. In that program, I've included a nutrition tweak to minimize bodyfat gains while building muscle. I NEVER want to have happen to me again what I went through in that first big bulk up.

In the pic, I'm not totally ripped or anything, but gaining 30 lbs and still seeing abs and vascularity is a far cry from the dough-boy look I ended up with before :)

The BIG Problem with Bulking and Cutting -- click here

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