Subject: Bulk Up FAST...get your free copy here...

"Bulk Up FAST" is a step-by-step guide that will help you build muscle mass and gain strength like clockwork while minimizing fat gain.

Sound good?

It's pretty much what everybody who picks up a weight wants to do!

The book is written by a colleague and friend of mine by the name of Alain Gonzalez. It's called "Bulk Up Fast" and it's a fantastic "how to" guide to building muscle and strength without getting fat.

Alain faced the same "skinny" roadblocks that I did when I was younger...he conquered them, too...and he wrote a book about the process you need to take to accomplish the same thing.

And he wants to give it to you for FREE.

In it, you'll discover...

  • The 4 most important training principles directly responsible for helping you gain your first 27 pounds of solid muscle without adding inches to your waist.

  • An easy to follow, done-for-you nutrition system designed to have you packing on pounds of muscle without ever succumbing to the dreaded “weight-gain plateau”.

  • Complete Done-For-You meal plans at every calorie level so that you effortlessly gain slabs of muscle without ever wondering what to eat next.

  • The “Big 6” exercise that, if performed in a strategic manner, will be responsible for 95% of your muscle gains… (if you’re not doing these 6 exercises, you’ll NEVER maximize your muscle growth)

  • The ONLY supplements that have been PROVEN to work so you NEVER waste another dime on pills or powders that do NOTHING but empty your pockets.

  • Plus an entire 90-day, 3-phase weight training system utilizing the 3 most powerful mechanisms for muscle growth, strategically designed to get you as big as possible in the least amount of time. 

One of my favorite things about the book (after reading it) is the rock-solid, commonsense approach Alain has taken with the whole process.

I've been big and strong and fat...and it sucks.

In his book, Alain will teach you how to get big and strong and LEAN.

Now, just to let you know up front, since this is an actual, physical book you'll receive in the mail, there is a small $7.95 shipping fee to cover to get the book.

If you've ever wanted a tried and true, solid long-term PLAN for getting bigger, stronger and leaner, you will find this book well worth the small price.

I've read through the book. This is good, solid info that will get you where you want to go.

Get your free copy of "Bulk Up Fast" here.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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