Subject: Build "old man strength" without MOVING like an old man...

If you're not familiar with the term, "old man strength," it refers to the often-surprising strength of some older guys who've been doing physical labor or exercise for most of their lives.

They don't always LOOK like they should be as strong as they are...

Yet they'll lift and move things that make younger guys eyes pop out of their heads.

I've seen this in action and it's something I aspire to have (I'm working on it, though at 47, I don't think I fully qualify for "old man" status yet :).

That kind of strength often comes with a cost, though...they MOVE like an old man..getting out of bed in the morning, cracking, creaking and cursing.

Heres the thing, though...


It's NOT too late to turn that around and move pain-free with power and fluidity (just like when you were back in your 20's)...

Imagine being able to sit down without groaning or falling back into a chair.

Or being able to USE that "old man strength" you've got without paying the price for it the next day.

Knees, hips, shoulders, back...all working smoothly and fluidly.


It IS possible...and you can get it with THIS type of bodyweight training.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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