Subject: Build monster biceps with this "1&1/4" three-exercise workout...

This workout is going to target your biceps with exercises covering the three Positions of Flexion positions... mid-range, stretch and peak contraction.

You're going to be focusing your quarter reps on the "money" part of each of those exercises to get maximum benefit out of each.

This one is a big-time bicep builder...I can barely scratch my nose by the time I finish it becaues of the pump.

I've got the full rundown on this killer 1&1/4 workout here...


Staying Anabolic After 40...

I talked about this yesterday...

The program is called Anabolic After 40...

This is a program put together by Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson (you might recognize his name from the transformation he achieved using several of Steve's programs a number of years ago).

It works with the adjustments you need to make in your training and eating to maximize your testosterone levels and muscle growth after age 40.

Click here to read more about Anabolic After 40 now.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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