Subject: Build INHUMAN strength/endurance...(workout template)


Not a lot of people are crazy enough, strong enough or determined enough to complete this workout.

It's nuts.

It's a heavy weight circuit designed to push you to your limit and KEEP you there, operating near peak capacity, for more than TEN minutes.

This circuit builds INHUMAN strength/endurance...and it will SHRED the fat right off you while locking down every bit of mass and strength you've got so that you KEEP every bit of it even as you get ripped.

It's relentless and it will test you, physically AND mentally.

It's called "Total-Body Countdown Murder"

And I realize the name sounds ominous...don't worry, though...that's just because it IS...

This hits every major muscle group in your body in a four-exercise circuit using HEAVY weight the entire time. It's absolutely BRUTAL...and it's definitely NOT for beginners.

- If you can finish ONE round of it, you're doing great.
- If you can finish TWO rounds, you're a BEAST.
- If you can finish THREE rounds, you are not human.

And if pushing yourself to the limit like this sounds AWESOME to are absolutely in the right place and you need to go check this out right now.

Get INHUMAN strength/endurance with "Total-Body Countdown Murder"


This is another one of my favorite Metabolic Monster workouts.

And for the next few days only, I've cut the price of this book of workouts in HALF.

This price will show up on the checkout page, not on the main page, just FYI.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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