Subject: Build BIG triceps with this SMART superset...

Building the triceps takes heavy can't build an impressive set of tri's with kickbacks and pushdowns.

You also need to find ways to increase the tension and loading on the triceps as heavy pressing tends to involve the chest and shoulders to a large degree, sometimes limiting the effectiveness for tricep work.

This very simple superset is going to ATTACK your triceps with heavy weight using two compound exercises that target the triceps as primary movers first (the close grip dumbbell bench press), then as secondary movers (regular dumbbell bench press).

The beauty of this superset is that you can switch to the second exercise with ZERO lapse in tension and's a simple matter of changing the press pattern, using the same weight.

This is different than the "normal" pre-exhaust superset style where you do an isolation exercise first, then switch to a compound exercise. With this superset, you maintain heavy loading on the triceps in BOTH exercises, making it that much more effective for growth.

Select a weight you could get 6-8 reps with on the close-grip press. Use a neutral grip, bringing your elbows in close in to your sides as you come down.

When you've done as many reps as you can on the close grip press (don't go to failure...push until it would be VERY tough to do another rep with good form), switch your press pattern to a normal dumbbell bench press.

This shifts more focus onto the chest and off the triceps (which sounds counterintuitive). The triceps are now pre-exhausted and become secondary movers, where before they were primary movers. This pushes them even harder as the chest keeps the weight moving while the triceps contribute as best they can.

Get as many more reps as you can with the regular dumbbell bench press, until you get to the point where you're ALMOST hitting failure.

This change in press pattern also changes which heads of the triceps are most involved in the movement, helping give your triceps more complete growth stimulation.

And, as a bonus, you can do this one in any gym without looking absolutely insane (if that's something you're concerned about...I'm not ;).

It's a very simple way to build bigger triceps using heavy, focused pressing!

I've got the video of this technique posted on my YouTube channel here...

And if you want even MORE unique exercises and training techniques for your arms, check out my book, "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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