Subject: Bodyweight "mad scientists"...get their free program NOW...

Innovative bodyweight training for building muscle and burning fat...

If you missed that I email I sent yesterday talking about the complimentary 6 day "body redesign" course from my fellow "mad scientists" Adam Steer and Ryan's all about burning fat and building muscle using some very innovative bodyweight training.

FREE 6-day body “redesign” plan

And I have to say, these guys really ARE "mad scientists" like me, with a focus on very unique bodyweight training...they could be long, lost cousins of mine, maybe :)

Basically, any time I see an email update from them, it's the first thing I open because I know it's going to be excellent stuff...and they are GREAT at teaching proper technique and making it accessible to just about everybody, no matter what your ability and strength level.

And yeah, I'm sure you know by now, I come up with a lot of insane training myself...a few are bodyweight exercises but it's mostly weights.

Think of these guys as me but with all bodyweight training...only maybe not quite as insane (close, though ;)...

This free 6-day course is top-notch information that I know you're going to get a lot out of.

FREE body “redesign” plan - click here to grab it now


P.S. If your email program messes up those links above, you can copy and paste this link into your browser to get to the page:

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