Subject: Blow up your triceps with this cool combo exercise...

This is an excellent combination exercise that targets your triceps in two different movement patterns, with two different exercises in ONE set.

You'll be alternating reps of a Tricep Pushdown and a Close Grip Push-Up (done with your hand elevated on a bench). This combination alternates open chain and closed chain exercises (simply put, exercises where you move the weight through space or exercises where YOU move through space, along with the this case, the pushdown is open chain, the push-up is closed chain).

And believe me, this combo exercise SOUNDS easier than it actually IS.

Because in addition to doing two distinct exercises for your triceps, they'll both be done under pretty much CONTINUOUS tension the whole way through.

This is incredibly effective for muscle hypertrophy. If you have stubborn triceps, you'll want to give this one a shot.

First, set a flat bench in front of the high pulley with a straight bar handle (cambered is fine, too). Use a moderately heavy weight...something you could get 8 to 10 reps with on a normal set.

Grasp the bar and kneel down in front of the bench, getting into the top position of the pushdown.

Push the bar down until it's level with the top of the bench...we're not looking for a full range pushdown here.

Now set your FISTS on the edge of the're going to doing the push-up on your fists, not your hands.

Straighten your knees and get in the top of the push-up position.

Lower yourself down, with your head coming down to one side of the cable.

Then push back up.

Kneel back down, the reverse the pushdown.

Repeat the sequence...on the next rep, bring your head down to the OTHER side.

By the time you're done (aim for 6-8 reps of BOTH exercises), your triceps will be absolutely FRIED.

Take 90 seconds rest, then do it again (total of 2-4 sets).

This combo exercise will put MASSIVE tension directly onto your triceps from several angles, helping you build bigger, better arms!

Watch this technique in action on my YouTube Channel here!


Want more killer arm techniques like this?


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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