Subject: "Big 3" workout for stubborn fat loss...

This "Big 3" workout is all about lactic acid training...

Yep, training for the purpose of cranking up as much Lactic Acid production in your body as possible.

And WHY you want to do it is simple...when the body produces a lot of Lactic Acid (more properly known as "lacate" but we'll stick with lactic acid since that's what most people know it by), this signals the body to secrete Growth Hormone in response.

This is one of the most potent fat-burning hormones you've's actually a key hormone for unlocking stubborn fat that your body normally has a hard time accessing.

So yes, when you want to lose stubborn fat, you want to do everything you can to increase production of it,

We're going to use variations of the "Big 3" exercises (squat, bench, deadlift), to maximize that burn....and get at your stubborn fat!

Big Three Exercise Lactic Acid Training for Burning Stubborn Fat Squat

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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