Subject: Best squat workout I've done in years...

This is my new favorite squat's incredibly effective for safely pushing every single muscle fiber in your lower body to the absolutely limit using a barbell squat.

And when I say "every single muscle fiber," I'm not kidding...we're targeting pretty much every rep range we can in order to hit slow twitch and both major types of fast twitch fibers. Nothing is spared and there is no mercy to be had.

If that sounds like fun to you, you're going to love this workout.

I posted a version of this previously without the feet elevation few weeks back. This version is just a little bit different.

You're going to start with light weight for high reps, then with NO rest, add weight and continue squatting. Keep increasing weight "up the rack" until you get to a max weight where you're just hitting singles. Then come back down the same way.

You'll be doing bottom-start squats from sitting on a flat bench. The safety rails should be set so that you can do a partial "Good Morning" off the rails.

In this version, during the lighter-weights sets, you will set your feet on top of stacked bumper plates (or Step risers...anything that is solid and is not going to move). This will increase the range of motion when using lighter weight.

I'm starting with 135 lbs on the bar and rubber bumper plates (a pair of 45's and a pair of 35's on top). They grip and they don't move. That is CRITICAL, as you can imagine.

As you progress up in weight, when you get to to the point where your reps hit about 5 or 6, then you're going to decrease the height of the things you're standing on. I took the 35's off. This was after finishing a set with 205 lbs.

Keep going, squatting and adding weight.

Again, when you get to the point where you're hitting 5 or 6 reps with the shorter range of motion, remove one more round so you're standing on the floor. For me, this was after hitting 275 lbs.

Then keep going.

Continue with the squats until you basically max out (or get very close).

For me, it was 405 lbs. I actually did 3 reps with this weight and tried 415 lbs on the next set, but that didn't happen. I shifted my balance a bit too far forward and had to bail on the rep, so I decided to work back down from there instead of trying again.

Now come all the way back down to 135 lbs, using the same increments. On the way down, put the things under your feet as you get to the point where you can do 6 reps with the weight, basically reversing what you did on the way up.

On the way down, push HARD on each set. On the way up, keep a few reps in reserve and don't push to the limit. On the very last set with the lightest weight, push yourself to the max.

This squat workout method is amazing. It literally hits EVERYTHING in your lower body. I would save it for a day when you have at least a full day or two of rest coming, because you will need it.

Timewise, it took me 33 minutes from start to finish. And yes, the ONLY rest you get is the time it takes to switch weights. No more.

Here are the increments I used: 135, 155, 185, 205 (remove one level), 225, 245, 275 (remove last level), 295, 315, 335, 365, 385, 405, tried 415...then back down. So basically, it ended up being 26 sets of squats covering every rep range.

If you're ready to push your legs to the limit, try this one.

Just make VERY sure that you have something solid under your feet like rubber bumper plates that WILL NOT SLIDE or Step risers.

Watch the full video of this workout here.

If you'd like to start from where the actual workout begins, click here.


Want more insane workout like this?


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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