Subject: Behind-the-Back Incline Barbell Curls...and last chance for a good fat-loss report

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got two things for you here...the first is that exercise I
mentioned...Behind-the-Back Incline Barbell Curls. Before you go
and see the exercise, I want you to try and visualize exactly
what that exercise might look like :)

I just came up with this one a few nights ago and found it be VERY
effective for targeting a massive stretch on the biceps. And why
would you want to put a massive stretch on the biceps?

I'll tell you!

In article form...


How Stretching Can Explode Your Muscle Growth

Training The Stretch - A Stretch Position Superset That Will Pile on Muscle


Now here's the link to the exercise itself, which I just posted
on my new "Mad Scientist" Facebook page (be VERY sure to click
the Like button on there, if you don't mind!).

I'm going to be filling that page up with all kinds of cool stuff
that will only be available if you "Like" the page (once I figure
out how to do that!), so if you're going to go through all the
effort to click on the link and watch the video, you might as
well click that tiny little button while you're there.

Yeah, it's all just a popularity contest :)

Anyway, the link:



5 Stubborn Fat Strategies Report

I mentioned this the past few days...a report by John Romaniello
about 5 strategies to burn stubborn fat. It's very good info and
it's going away very soon (tonight). If you haven't picked up a
copy, you can grab it here:


Thanks and be sure to post your comments on that FB page! I'm
curious to hear your thoughts, especially once you get a chance
to give it a try!


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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