Subject: Bad're leaking 53% of your fat-loss results EVERY DAY if you're doing this...

When it comes to fat loss, this is one of my biggest secrets...
and honestly, it's one of my simplest and most effective ones,

You see, if you're stuck in a fat-loss plateau or if you're not losing fat
as quickly as you think you should be for all the work you're putting in,
there's ONE thing you're probably doing wrong that is totally sabotaging your

And that one thing you're doing wrong is not tailoring your
TRAINING to the exact nutrients you're eating...

Because in order to burn maximum fat you have to tailor the training that
you're doing to match the HORMONAL state that your eating puts you in
If you don't do this, you're missing out on some serious results.

Fortunately, this is a fairly simple thing to do and I'm going to tell you
how to do it.

You just have to know what the hormonal effects of the nutrients you're
eating are, how specific training techniques will affect and enhance the
hormonal effects of those nutrients, how to structure those training
techniques and nutrient ratios into a comprehensive program that
rotates between multiple training styles in a manner that synergistically
amplifies the effects of both, resulting in an increased rate of fat loss
and muscle growth.

Okay, I just made it sound complicated...

Let me give you an example that makes it sound simple again.

Let's say you're eating a low-carb diet (under 30 grams of carbs a day).
The insulin levels in your body are fairly low and very stable. Insulin is
the main storage hormone in your body and when insulin is up, fat loss
grinds to a halt. So ideally, when you want to lose fat, you want to keep
your insulin under control and that means managing your carbohydrate

Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

Now here's the other part...when insulin levels are stable and lower, this
is sets the stage for growth of your body's most powerful
fat-burning and muscle-building hormones. Bottom line, GH and insulin
don't get along...this hormone is not secreted in great quantity when
insulin is present in the bloodstream. It's your body's way of balancing

So first, we use low-carb eating to set the nutritional stage for fat-
burning. Now we need to use a training technique that maximizes
growth horomone secretion in the body.

And that technique is Lactic Acid Training.

When you train to maximize Lactic Acid (and yes, that means going for
the burn), the pH (i.e. the acidity level) in your bloodstream drops.
That pH drop is a signal for your body to start kicking out GH, which
in turn, increases fat-burning and not only spares muscle tissue but
actually has the potential to build it, even under low-calorie conditions.

THAT is what I'm talking about with tailoring your training to the
nutrients you're eating to maximize fat-burning.

But it doesn't stop can use this nutrient-training matching
with multiple nutritional states...low-carb, low-fat, only protein., etc.
There is a training technique to match and maximize just about any
nutritional state you can put yourself in.

Now here's the fun part...

I've got a program that lays all this out completely FOR you. It's a
36 day program that uses very specific rotation of nutrients (like
protein, carbs and fat) and very specific training techniques on each
and every one of those nutrient days to maximize fat burning AND
muscle-building while on a reduced calorie diet.

Yes, you read that right. You CAN actually build muscle on a
low-calorie diet, under the right nutritional conditions.

And this program sets it up and literally FORCES your body to do it.

To give you an example, one of the most common things I hear about
this program from users is that they either hardly lost anything on the
scale or even ended up at the same weight they started...while losing
2 to 3 inches from their waist at the same time...

And that, my friend, means they gained MUSCLE.

And THAT is what this program will do for YOU.

Check it out here and learn how to target your
training to your eating with pinpoint, strategic

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Before I forget, that "53%" statistic I mentioned is based on
rigorous scientific analysis (yeah, not so much). Basically, I know
from experience that the difference when you use this type of
nutrient/training matching is VERY significant, giving you at least a
50% or more improvement in results. 53 is just a nice number :).

P.P.S. I've currently got my Metabolic Surge program (that is based
on this nutrient/training matching framework) on sale now for $29.95,
which is $40 off the regular price. This is going back to the regular
price of $69.95 on SUNDAY at midnight, so if you're interested,
definitely jump on this!

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss now...

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