Subject: BEST bicep exercise EVER...(for real, if you want big arms, read this)
I call it the Nilsson Curl...
And yeah, I named it after myself because it really
exemplifies what I'm all about...
it's completely opposite to what you're supposed to do,
it uses equipment in ways it was never intended,
it's a little bit nuts,
and it works twice as good as normal training ;)
It's one of my very favorite "secret sauce" exercises
for building the biceps FAST, even when nothing else
seems to work.
You'll be using your ENTIRE bodyweight and placing it
directly on the biceps...and it works just by making a
small adjustment to the setup of a normal chin-up exercise.
This exercise is tough and it will give you a TREMENDOUS
growth spurt in your biceps, I can promise you that.
It's one of the few bicep exercises that is actually a
compound really has the potential to increase
your arm size BIG TIME with regular use.
Learn how to build MONSTER biceps with Nilsson Curls...
Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"
I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I
enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.
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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
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