Subject: Arnold's controversial advice on protein intake...

This pretty much sums it up...

True, this is awesome :)...but it's only part of the story.

You could eat a TON of protein every single day and still get sub-par results in your muscle growth...


It really doesn't.

It only matters how much protein you ABSORB.

THAT is what gets used by your body...the rest just gets passed right through (and not always pleasantly as drinkers of room-clearing, low-quality protein drinks can attest).

To my mind, digestion is the single biggest area that most people neglect when it comes to getting results from training.

It doesn't even register on the scale, for the most part, because it's assumed that it's something that just happens passively and there's nothing you can really do about it.

There IS something you can do about it, though.

As human beings who eat cooked food, our bodies have to make digestive enzymes to help with the process of digestion. Cooking tends to destroy enzymes.

When you eat, first you chew the food to break it down into smaller pieces. When the food gets into your stomach, your stomach acid assists your digestive enzymes in breaking down the food into even smaller pieces.

Think of this as cutting the grass.

Then, once this broken-down food passes into your small intestine, probiotics (along with other digestive juices like bile), process it even further.

Think of this as MULCHING the cut grass.

If this is hindered by not having enough digestive enzymes or probiotics to help with the process, nutrient absorption is compromised.

You're eating all this great, high-quality food, but all the nutrients aren't getting into your body...because your body doesn't have the raw materials to process it with.

Naturally, you're getting SOME nutrition out of it...but you could be getting a lot more.

If you want a more detailed explanation of the process of digestion, go to page 6 of this interview I did with a nutrition and digestion expert, Wade Lightheart - direct PDF download here.

As we get older (especially once we pass 40...I noticed this effect myself), we gradually diminish in our capacity to make digestive enzymes.

Foods (and amounts of food) you could eat in your 20's and 30's now bloat you up and give you serious digestive problems. Your body doesn't get the nutrition it once did...your hormone production may even start to get some degree of malnourishment.

A HUGE reason why is due to the lack of digestive enzymes in our body.

Wade's company has created one of the most innovative enzyme and probiotic combinations I've ever seen.

The products are both targeted to optimal protein digestion in the body, which is key for people like us who are training hard regularly (and especially for those of us who are past 40).

I've been testing they're combination of products (MassZymes and P3-OM probiotics) and the results have impressed me.

I take two probiotic capsules and 5-6 enzyme capsules right before each meal (and sometimes in between meals).

I haven't changed my eating habits but I've noticed my recovery is better and my digestion is MUCH better. I don't get bloated and even when I eat a big meal, it doesn't sit in my stomach for hours and hours, making me miserable.

I'll be straight up honest...this stuff is not cheap...but the quality is there and these are products that definitely WORK.

One of the "tests" that I use when it comes to supplements is would be something that I could recommend to my own family?

In this case, absolutely.

You can learn more about MassZymes and P3-OM protein-digesting probiotics here.

If you haven't had a chance to read through the interview I did with Wade, you can download that directly here.

This interview is full of eye-opening information about digestion, and it's in PDF format, so you can read through it at your own pace and "absorb" the information, as it were, wink wink ;).

Now, if you've been getting my emails for any length of time, you know I don't recommend a whole of supplements. Much better to focus on good nutrition and hard training.

These products, however, can help you get MORE out of the good nutrition you're eating, so that you can train harder and get better results from it (and healthier in general).

I seriously do think that everybody over 40 should be taking some form of digestive enzyme, whether it's this product or something else. To me, it's that important in terms of being a "core" supplement to take.

This combo works brilliantly.

Get your MassZymes and P3-OM protein-digesting probiotics here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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