Subject: Are your cells starving for oxygen?

From Nick Nilsson

This is a little bit off-topic from the normal exercise info I send out but it does relate very well to those who experience everyday nagging pains (training-related or not) and headaches, etc. and who take stuff like Tylenol or Advil to help with it.

I didn't actually know this before but apparently when you take common pain relievers like this you're creating a new problem...

You're cutting off oxygen to your cells.

Pain pills like Advil and Tylenol work by reducing the inflammation that causes your pain, but they do it by hi-jacking your body's natural ability to heal.

Instead of letting your body isolate the injured area with scar tissue and allowing your body's natural inflammation fighters to go to work, pain pills short-circuit the process and force your body to put down layer after layer of scar tissue.

It's all the extra scar tissue that blocks blood flow and chokes off the red blood cells that deliver oxygen. Take enough of these pills and you literally starve your cells of oxygen, which is not a good thing for healing or for permanent pain relief.

You CAN wipe out pain and inflammation naturally, though... without drugs.

You can get that same "back to normal" feeling no matter what's causing your pain. You can relieve everyday pains as easily as more serious problems like chronic joint and arthritis pain.

And here's the kicker: This natural pain reliever is something your body already makes on its own.

Let me explain.

Years ago, a medical doctor from Columbia University discovered that when the body was reacting to pain, the bodies of younger adults responded by flooding the painful area with something called "proteolytic enzymes."

That's why your body was so strong and resilient back in your 20s... and more to the point, PAIN FREE.

But here's the problem. As you get older, your body's supply of these inflammation-fighting enzymes drops dramatically.

That means the older you get, the harder it is to get rid of your pain.

Now here's the good news. You can take more of these "proteolytic enzymes" whenever you want. And they work just as well as pain pills... and in some cases, even better.

My friend and colleague, Jesse Cannone is the founder of the Healthy Back Institute. He's helped over 165,000 people in 85 countries get lasting pain relief without drugs. And when he showed me the research on these pain-fighting enzymes, I was impressed.

Proteolytic enzymes have a natural anti-inflammatory effect and silence minor everyday aches and pains, all the way up to the more stubborn pain you get from arthritis, bad joints and chronic back problems.

It's a safe option, too. There are ZERO side effects.

Enzymes are well researched and have a long-standing track record. Here are just a few of the published results:

  • A study published in the Journal of Medicine, Science, Sports and Exercise found that "proteolytic enzymes have therapeutic effects in the treatment of inflammation and soft tissue injuries."

  • Another study from the Institute of Cancer Research in Vienna found that, "a combination of proteolytic enzymes and herbs were effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis."

Right now, Jesse is offering you a FREE bottle of Heal-n-Soothe™ with no strings attached (just a small shipping fee). All you have to do is click HERE and give him your address.

Here's the only catch: Jesse has a limited supply of Heal-n-Soothe™ in stock for this offer, so if you're interested, I'd jump on this right away.

This is one of the few non-drug pain relievers that actually works, and I believe it can really help you.

And heck, if it's good enough for my dogs, it's good enough for me... (I'll explain that statement :)

A few years ago, when my dogs were getting up in years (I have Siberian Huskies) and were having a lot of trouble and pain laying down, I did a LOT of research on natural anti-inflammatory supplements that were safe for dogs AND effective for helping with pain.

Heal-N-Soothe was the one I decided to try first.

And I have to say, when I started giving them this supplement, I saw a VERY noticeable and fast difference in how well they were able to move and lay down and get up.

If you have dogs, you know how heartbreaking it can be to see your furry friends in pain like that just trying to function and when I saw how well it worked for them, I immediately ordered 3 more bottles and went on an autoship program and tried it myself.

The stuff flat-out WORKS, not just in dogs but in PEOPLE :)

Click HERE to pick up your FREE bottle of Heal-n-Soothe™ now.


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