Subject: Are you wasting your money on supplements?...(read this)

Very possibly, yes.

I know it's shocking to hear (yeah, right!), but there are
some supplement companies out there that really don't
care if you get results from their products and only want
to sell you whatever garbage they can so they can take
your money.

Yes, I very shocking... ;)

And don't get me wrong...there are some GOOD
supplement companies out there that take pride in their
products and really want to help people get results.

I'll readily admit, though, I burned through a LOT of money
on useless supplements in my earlier days of training.

Sometimes I got scammed, and sometimes I actually
tested some "shaky" ones on purpose, just to see if
anything would happen.

These days, I just don't have the time or inclination for that
kind of thing. I'd rather just see the proof.

When it comes to single supplements, it's usually pretty
straightforward to do the research and get the proof.

The problem comes when you start putting together
combinations of several supplements (a.k.a. "stacking")...

... and you don't know which ingredient(s) are actually
effective and doing what they're supposed to do and
which are just along for the ride (or even working against

Because here's the thing...supplements can be very
effective...and they can be even MORE effective when
taken in conjuction with other supplements that support
their actions.

So how do you know what you should or shouldn't take together?


Personally, I visit my "go-to" source for science-based

And this week, they've just released a excellent package of
supplement stacking guides
covering a variety of major
supplementation goals...

Testosterone Enhancement
Fat Loss

Muscle Gain & Exercise Performance
Bone Health
Joint Health
Sleep Quality
Libido and Sexual Enhancement
Mood and Depression
Insulin Sensitivity
Heart Health
Memory and Focus
Skin and Hair Quality
Liver Health
Allergies and Immunity

If you've ever had questions about how to stack supplements for
any of these goals, I would absolutely recommend checking out
these guides

This is SCIENCE-based information...and not "bro" science...
real, actual peer-reviewed science.

This information will save you a TON of time versus figuring
things out on your own...and will also save you a ton of MONEY...
because you won't be wasting it on useless supplements.

Learn more about the Supplement Stack Guides here...
their launch sale price will be disappearing at midnight

So yeah, this is time-sensitive, so be sure and check this out
right away, if you're interested.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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