Subject: Are you training your core wrong and actually CAUSING issues... back pain and the dreaded "pooch"
belly...the one that STILL sticks out even
after you lose the extra fat you've got?

Very possibly, yes.

Core training can be a confusing topic. Some people kick
out a few sets of crunches or sit-ups and call it a day.

THAT kind of core training is actually setting you up for injury
by tightening and shortening the Rectus Abdominus (the six
pack muscles) without doing anything to address the DEEP
muscles of the core

This causes that hunched-forward position in your body that
can lead to back pain and severe posture issues.

What you SHOULD be doing are exercises that activate the
core in very specific patterns
, designed to help teach the
core muscles how to fire properly to support, stablize and
tighten the midsection (which has the added benefit of
shrinking the waist).

Core Activation training like this can be just the ticket if you...

...have a pooch belly or beer gut that you can't seem to get rid of
...suffer from back, neck, shoulder or hip pain that nothing seems to help
...have terrible posture that you've been unable to correct
...are trying to get 6-pack abs but you don't know where to start

Now, you probably know this already but I'll tell you one more
time...I do a lot of INSANE core training exercises...stuff that
most people in their right mind would never even THINK to attempt.

(case in point, this is me doing isometric supports with a 500 lb
barbell on one shoulder - it's actually a great core strength
exercise...just start a LOT lighter if you do try it!)

The VAST majority of people will never need to do anything
as off-the-charts crazy as this...

However, if you DO want tighten your waist and improve
your core strength without having to resort to stuff like this,
you need exercises based on an effective new ab training
technique called a Core Activation Sequence, created by
physiotherapist Dr. James Vegher.

Dr. Vegher originally designed these unique exercises to
help patients with chronic neck and back pain.

Turns out they worked even better for quickly shrinking your
waistline, building more core strength and helping you get
overall better results from your workouts.

=> These UNIQUE exercises ACTIVATE your core and shrink your waistline FAST

This is very effective ab training.
Definitely worth checking out!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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