Subject: Are you strong enough to do Push-Away Pull-Ups?

One quick thing before I get to the exercise...I just wanted to give you a quick heads-up that TODAY is the last day you'll be able to pick Greg O'Gallagher's new "Bodyweight Mastery" program for the special discounted launch price.

If you're interested in bodyweight training (like this exercise), you will LOVE his program.

(more on this below the exercise)


Pull-Ups are a GREAT back of the best, in fact. Now it's time to shake things up a little bit.

This version of the Pull-Up is going to dramatically ramp up the work done by the smaller muscles of the upper back (teres major and minor, rhomboids, supraspinatus, etc.), in addition to excellent work on the lats.

It's a "Push-Away Pull-Up"...

You're going to start by doing a "normal" pull-up all the way to the top.

Hold that top position for a second or two...then push yourself AWAY from the bar, directly backwards.

This changes the leverage of the exercise and the muscles recruited. Instead of pulling only in a vertical movement pattern, you're now including muscles that must stabilize the arms in the shoulder joint at an angle. You'll immediately start descending as this position is much tougher to hold.

Lower yourself down slowly and under control, FIGHTING the negative all the way down and striving to keep your body out away from the bar out away from the normal vertical path of the exercise.

It's this active fighting of the lowering phase that's going to SHOCK the small muscles of your upper back. This is a loading pattern they are definitely NOT used to.

Come down to the bottom position and repeat for as many reps as you can do while still controlling the descent and pushing away from the bar horizontally without immediately having to come straight down.

This is a much tougher variation than the normal pull-up because of the change in leverage, so you should be able to get at least 8-10 quality reps of the pull-up before using this one.

It's going to develop great shoulder stability as well as strength in the smaller muscles of the upper back (along with improving the muscularity of the upper back for a more impressive physique!).

I've posted a short 2-minute video of this exercise on my YouTube channel here.


Bodyweight training is awesome stuff. I think it's extremely important for every trainer to be able to work effectively with just their own bodyweight.

Speaking for myself, I can do some pretty cool bodyweight exercises (like the one above)...I incorporate a lot of them into my own training. However, I'm not a PRO at it like a few guys I know in the business.

One of those guys is Greg O'Gallagher.

Greg's a good guy...very passionate about what he does, which is helping YOU develop a strong, muscular, RIPPED physique using bodyweight training methods that you can do ANYWHERE.

Greg has just released a new program this past week called the "Bodyweight Mastery Program"....and TODAY is the last day you'll be able to pick it up for the special discounted launch price.

I've gone through the course material (including video tutorials for all exercise progressions) and this stuff is awesome.

This is no-nonsense instruction to help you go from beginner to advanced in your bodyweight workouts WAY faster than watching random videos on YouTube.

And this is NOT about simply adding reps to exercises you already'll learn exercise variations that crank up the intensity level so you can build some serious muscle and functional strength.

To sweeten the deal, Greg is also throwing in the specific diet program he uses to stay crazy lean and strong like this all year long while training just THREE TIMES A WEEK.

So if you want to build a physique like this (that's Greg)...

Go grab your copy now before the price goes up...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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