Subject: Are you making these 2 BIG mistakes with your cardio?
#1 mistake people make when doing cardio is doing
"normal" cardio...LONG duration,
slogging, boring cardio that...
- doesn't boost the metabolism
- doesn't burn fat after the workout is done
- isn't enjoyable
- and can actually compromise thyroid function and damage
the heart (the heart is a muscle and this type of cardio
down muscle).
The #2 mistake that people make with cardio
is even more
sneaky...and it can actually cause you to GAIN fat while you
think you're doing what you need to do to LOSE it!
Does this sound familiar?
"That was a good workout...I EARNED that extra piece of _____"
The problem is, no you didn't.
Long duartion cadio increases your appetite WITHOUT
actually burning as many calories as you think it does.
If you really want to fix these two problems and use cardio
PROPERLY for fat loss, here's what you need to do...
1. Kick up the intensity of your cardio training DRAMATICALLY,
2. Don't use food to reward yourself for completing a workout.
Very simple.
Now, if you're interested in learning more about HOW you can
kick up the intensity of your cardio training effectively and
efficiently for maximum fat-loss, I'd recommend you check
this page.
You'll learn
WHY you need intense cardio training for
burning stubborn fat and a very effective 12-minute training
sequence for TARGETIG that stubborn bodyfat.
Excellent info!
Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"
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