Subject: Are post-workout simple carbs crashing your "T" levels?

First off, I want to tell you a little secret...

(also the answer is yes...more on that below).

I can instantly tell whether a guy might have low testosterone due to dietary issues based on one simple food test (it's not 100% accurate, but it's pretty darn good).

It's just one question...

Do you eat whole eggs?

(Of course, this assumes you DO eat eggs, which, if you're not allergic and want to build muscle, you SHOULD be eating eggs on a regular basis).

If you DO eat whole eggs, you're on the right track.

If you just eat egg whites, you could have a problem with low testosterone.

The reason is this...not eating egg yolks likely means that you're concerned about eating cholesterol and saturated fat and try to stay away from both.

And THAT is a HUGE problem when it comes to testosterone levels.

Cholesterol is a precursor molecule to testosterone...without adequate cholesterol intake, your testosterone levels will tank. This is a big part of the reason you lose your "drive" while doing low-fat diets.

Now, I'm not saying to go nuts and stuff yourself silly with cholesterol-laden fatty have to be smart about it.

I just want you to know that there are REAL HORMONAL CONSEQUENCES to the foods that you eat.

#2...If you don't eat eggs (or even if you do), here's a follow-up question...

Do you eat a lot of simple sugars?

If the answer is yes...boom. Your testosterone levels just took ANOTHER big hit.

According to the site,, "Research presented at The Endocrine Society’s 91st Annual Meeting in Washington D.C found that sugar ingestion can cause a man’s testosterone level to drop by up to 25 percent.”

This is one reason why I no longer recommend taking in simple sugars post-workout (I stopped it a few years ago with NO detriment to my recovery). The sugars might increase insulin levels but they crash out the "test" increases of the workout you just did to increase them!

And this is only the tip of the iceberg...

A lot of the foods that you might THINK are "healthy" can actually be contributing to a serious decline in your testosterone levels.

There is good news, though...

By CHANGING the foods you're eating, you can realize tremendous and very noticeable increases in "test" levels...even in older men.

You just have to know what to QUIT eating and what to eat INSTEAD.

It's not complicated and the foods are actually REALLY good.

If you're a guy, this is information you NEED to have.

Now go eat some whole eggs and skip dessert.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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