Subject: Are YOU making these 3 ab-training mistakes?

I've seen some absolutely TERRIBLE ab training in my 25+ years in the gym...

...literally one guy looked like a big blob of jello that been dropped from a high level as he basically convulsed on the ground doing "crunches". I've never seen anything quite like it since.

I'm sure you've seen plenty of "training" just like that, too!

The thing is, if you train your abs SMART rather than just HARD, you're going to get MUCH better results for the effort you put in.

And that's what avoiding THESE common ab-training mistakes can help you do...

Mistake #1: Too Much Volume

Way too many people perform countless reps of pretty much any type of ab exercise out there. Instead we should be focusing on the strength aspect of core training.

By now we should all know that crunches and sit-ups are a complete waste of time.

The thing is… many people perform FAR more reps when training their core, compared to other muscle groups. Strength should also be considered when training your core. And you don’t train strength by doing 500 reps of an exercise.

Here’s something else that is considered “too much volume for core training”....holding a plank longer than a minute. If you can already hold a plank for a minute then it’s time to move on to more challenging variations.


Mistake #2: Drawing In Instead Of Bracing Your Abs

Here’s what I mean by that… too many people suck in their stomach instead of pushing it out. Which is also known as bracing.

Strength comes from bracing your abs, not sucking in your gut.

Try this… push a heavy object as hard as you can while sucking in your gut. Now push that same object while you push your stomach out and brace your abs. You will notice a huge difference.

We need to perform exercises that reinforce the brace if we want rock hard abs.

Mistake #3: Neglecting Other Muscles In Your Core

If all you’re doing is concentrating on the rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" abs), you're really missing the boat on core training.

The "deep" muscles of your core (the inner and outer obliques and the transverse abdominis) are absolutely CRITICAL to complete core strength and abdominal development.


Now, one of the most effective ways of addressing these three mistakes is by Training Like A Fighter

If you think about it… fighters get punched and kicked repeatedly to their midsection. And that requires SERIOUS core bracing to withstand.

On top of that, they need to produce a tremendous amount of power in their strikes...this doesn't all come from the arms or comes from the explosive core strength that fighters posses.

So yeah, as you can imagine, fighters train their abs differently than everyone else. You won't see a good fighter banging out endless sets of crunches or side bends.

That kind of training doesn't work for fighters and it won't work for YOU...

Discover How You Can Get Abs Like a Fighter By CLICKING HERE

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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