Subject: And the winning "Mad Scientist" T-Shirt slogan is...

Drum roll, please...

"Perfect body...under construction" with 120 votes!

Congratulations to Steve Jenkins, whom I've already set up with
a LIFETIME membership to my Powerful Training Secrets site!

I'll be getting a design put together for the winning slogan in the
next few days and should hopefully have T-shirts ready for
purchase very soon!

In addition to this slogan T-shirt, I will also be doing some
logo-wear as well, for those who just prefer a simple logo style
of design...a "formal" T-shirt that you can wear to special events
and weddings... ;).

The next runners-up were...

  • I'm not crazy trainer is! (105)
  • Extraordinary Results Are Not Achieved By Ordinary Methods (92)
  • Under Construction (Front) Pardon My Sweat (Back) (75)
  • Go hard or go home! (67)
  • A Mad Scientist told me to do this! (64)
  • Sweat is fat crying. With the mad scientist! (62)

A BIG thanks to everybody who jumped in and sent ideas! I
really appreciate it!


In Case You Missed It...

I posted a couple of articles to my site this week that I wanted to
just remind you of in case you missed them.

1. Can Muscle Fiber Hyperplasia Be Achieved In
Humans? This Technique May Be The Answer...

Muscle fiber hyperplasia is one of THE single most powerful
concepts when it comes to building muscle. It means splitting
muscle fibers into MORE muscle fibers, rather than just growing
the size of the ones you've got.

(cool side note, I've actually been corresponding with the author
of the study I reference in the article, Dr. Jose Antonio, and he
said my approach here does have I am crazy? Still
yes, but I could be right, too ;).

2. Target Your Inner Thighs/Adductors With
Rolling Dumbbell Lunges

There's a better way to target the inner thighs/adductors...and
it's NOT that machine that always seems to be facing the front
door of the gym. It's a free weight exercise that uses the
adductors as they're meant to be a compound
movement where you're actually MOVING (unlike that machine).

That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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