Subject: An interview on that Lean Hybrid Muscle program...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So I've had a lot of questions this week about that Lean Hybrid
Muscle program I mentioned a few days ago...and I figured, why
not get answers straight from the horses mouth, so to speak.

Got a good interview here with Mike Westerdal, one of the
authors of the program that is going to answer a lot of the
questions you might have about it.

One of the big concepts I really like about this program is
resistance-based cardio training. This is something I love doing
myself...I've gone for "interval" runs carrying a 25 lb
kettlebell around the neighborhood (got some strange looks there,
for sure - a friend of mine thought I was stealing something and
trying to run away with it!), sprints carrying a 70 lb sandbag on
my back, and tire flipping is always fun and good for a few more
strange looks in suburbia here :)

Definitely beats slogging away on the treadmill in my basement.

Overall, the concept of this type of "hybrid" training is really
quite good and well worth exploring to see if it's a match for
you. Me, I love lifting big heavy sh-- so this style is
definitely a match for me.

You can check out the full interview here:

You can also download a complimentary PDF report called "The
Warrior Physique" that Mike and Elliott put together for you.
Great info on how ancient warriors trained for power, strength
and endurance all at once. Just right-click on this link and
choose "save target as" to grab it.

And you still have time to sign-up for the "early bird" list
when the program becomes available. The guys are also posting a
lot of good info that you'll get when you sign up. It doesn't
obligate you to anything...just gets you in the loop.

Obviously, this is a product launch, so they'll be talking about
their new program, but definitely get in there and see what they
have to offer.
