Subject: An "instant fix" if you lean forward in the barbell squat...and how to get Dale's Raw Protein Bars internationally...

When you're doing a barbell squat, the toughest point in the movement to maintain your form is
just as you're coming up out of the bottom (a.k.a. "the hole").

It's at this point where you may have a tendency to lean forward then rely on the lower back (and
the core) to "good morning" the bar up, doing a back extension to keep the weight moving, thus
taking some of the tension off the glutes, quads and hams.

Being honest, it's something I've noticed in myself from time to time as well, so you're not alone.

Here's how to fix it.

As you change direction out of the hole, I want you to actively try and rotate/roll the
bar backwards on your though you were doing a reverse wrist curl with the
bar on your back.

Now, you shouldn't ACTUALLY roll the bar down your still want to keep that bar
pinned to your upper back, just above the scapulae (shoulder blades). You just want to exert
tension on the bar as though TRYING to roll it backwards.

This will automatically correct the tendency to lean forward as you come and "good morning" the
bar up out of the hole.

It's very simple and very effective. I don't have pics or a video for it, but I think you'll get the idea,
especially when you give it a try.

I just finished doing 5 days in a row of squats as part of my Muscle Explosion program and I have
to say, my FOREARMS are actually more sore than my legs right now because of the constant
tension I was exerting on the bar doing that rollback maneuver.

Combine that with the calf stretching tip I posted last week (basically, if you have a tendency to
lean forward on the way DOWN, stretch your calves before you squat to improve your ankle
mobility, which will improve your body positioning), and you'll be well on your way to a perfect

And just fyi, if you like these kinds of quick tips, I'm constantly posting stuff like this on my
Facebook page here:

You can "Like" the page, which I recommend, or you can just visit whenever you want. I always have
a link to it at the bottom of every email I send.


Get Raw Food Protein Bars Internationally and a Buy One, Get One FREE Sale

I also wanted to let you know that my friend Dale (of Dale's Raw Food Protein Bars) has just
figured out a way to allow you get his excellent vegan, and almost completely organic, high-
protein bars internationally (including Canada, the UK, and a TON of other countries).

And he is also running a "buy one box, get one box free" sale right now until Dec 31st, which
is a great deal. I eat these bars all the time - great healthy snack for when you're on the go.

You can learn more about the bars here:

The international shipping uses a third-party company called where he basically ships
to them and they ship to you. And just to let you know up front, the company does charge a small
fee for the service...nothing major, though.

He has a link on his page at the very bottom called "International Shipping" - it's in the last line of
the middle column of links. You can get the full instructions on how to do it there.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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