Subject: An excellent RESEARCH-backed supplement I wanted to tell you about...

From Nick Nilsson

I have to say, one of the biggest problems I see with the
supplement industry today is the glaring lack of research behind
a lot of the products out there (the other would be the misuse of
actual research to justify product formulations).

It's pretty rare that I directly recommend supplements...I think
most of them are a waste of time and money. There are only a few
that really deliver on quality and results.

That's why when I come across a product that is very solidly
backed by REAL research done on the actual product itself, I know
it's something worth looking at.

So the product in question is called "Juice Plus." I've been
taking it myself for about 8 months now and have noticed a real
difference in how I feel while on it.

Essentially, Juice Plus is a concentrated fruit and vegetable
supplement, taking the most "active" parts of those foods and
putting them in pill form (capsules, to be precise), so you get
many of the health benefits of eating these foods without
actually eating the foods themselves (the product includes
extracts from 17 nutrient-dense fruits and veggies).

Yeah, food in a pill, kinda like on the Jetsons except this is real... :)

Here's the thing...

Everybody agrees that fruits and vegetables are good for you and
everybody should eat more of them...nothing controversial there.

NOBODY really eats enough fruits and vegetables on a daily basis,
though. I know I sure don't, and it's even MORE important if
you're training hard. That training puts a lot of stress on your
body and you need to supply it with the nutrients to help it

Combine that training stress with the incredible amount of
environmental toxins we're subjected to on a daily basis (that
are often outside our control) AND the nutrient-depleted state of
the soil these days, even if you COULD get the recommend amount
of fruit and veggies, you're still not getting optimal amounts of
those nutrients.

And that's where the Juice Plus supplement comes in. By
concentrating the nutrients and allowing you to take them in
convenient pill form, you get your nutritional bases covered, and
you can help reduce the oxidative (damaging) stress on your body.

Doesn't mean you don't have to eat your actual fruits or veggies,
though...just means you're getting a lot more nutritional bang
for your buck.

You can check out Juice Plus here. Have a read through the has good info on what this stuff is all about:



And that research that I mentioned?

This is the cool part...these studies are published in respected,
peer-reviewed scientific journals using the actual product
itself. They're not extrapolating results based on similar
ingredients, like most supplement companies do.

Here's a list of some of those studies:

1. Effects of a fruit/berry/vegetable supplement on muscle
function and oxidative stress.

2. Systemic inflammatory load in humans is suppressed by
consumption of two formulations of dried, encapsulated juice

3. Immunity and Antioxidant Capacity in Humans Is Enhanced by
Consumption of a Dried, Encapsulated Fruit and Vegetable Juice

There are more studies listed on the site, too, so if you're
interested in the research, definitely check those out.

Bottom line, I would never recommend a supplement I don't use and
find useful myself. I like this stuff and I think it's worth
taking a look at, especially if you have a tough time eating
enough fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.



P.S. If you're interested in picking some up, use the "Store"
button on the top left of the page.

And just you so know up front, they only sell it in 4 month
packages. The reason for that is it takes time for a
nutrient-based formula like this to get in and start making
positive changes to your body.

It's not a "bang" supplement that you feel right away. It's a
longer-term and very effective approach to improving your health.

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