Subject: An Upright Row that doesn't kill your shoulder joints...

The Upright Row exercise is both excellent and terrible for your shoulders at the same time.

It's excellent at targeting the actual "meat" of the deltoid muscles but terrible for the shoulder joint in terms of action and positioning.

Some people can use Upright Rows for years on end and never have an issue. Some people (like myself) can't even do a single rep due to shoulder joint structure.

What I've come up with here is a way to get most of the benefits of the Upright Row without the problems for the shoulder joint.

This is done by using a dumbbell instead of a barbell and holding it in a very particular way so that you change the action at the shoulder joint, minimizing stress in the joint.

Check out Underhand Dumbbell Upright Rows here...

Underhand Dumbbell Upright Rows

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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