Subject: An INSANE Superset technique for you to try out...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got something cool for you to take to the gym and test
out...In-Set Supersets for EVERY bodypart. This is a killer
superset training technique that, to be honest, is one of THE
best muscle-building techniques I've ever used.

You're basically combining two exercises into ONE set,
alternating reps of each so that you're attacking the muscle from
two different angles with no break in tension.

I've had great results with this supersetting
really targets hypertrophy extremely well.

This is some seriously good "mad scientist" stuff and I've got a
sample workout you can print out and take to the gym as well,
covering every single bodypart with this training style.

Yeah, you'll love it while you're doing it but you're going to
hate me tomorrow... ;)


So read it, watch the videos for each exercise and TRY this stuff
out so you can see and feel how powerful this training is.

Then go get my new book "Mad Scientist Muscle" while it's on sale
for cheap for this week ONLY... :)



P.S. Had some great questions come in about the book! If you have
any more, send them along - I'm going to be sending out an FAQ
email tomorrow answering everything.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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