Subject: An EMBARASSING secret about me and nutrition...
Yeah, coming from me, who's been a trainer for 25+ years, this is really embarassing.
And I've never really told many people this...I almost FAILED my nutrition class in university.
Seriously...I got a C- in the class....and it was a very "scraping-by" C-.
A couple of points lower and I would've totally failed the class.
Some great trainer, right? ;)
Well, the REASON I almost failed is important...I had all the theory down pat. That part was easy...however, 50% of the grade for the class was based on a set of meal plans I was supposed to create, based on my own eating habits and activities.
I HATE meal plans.
Literally. I can't stand them. I understand that some people do better on them, which is why I offer them in my programs...however, I NEVER use them myself.
I've always preferred a nutritional approach that's more free...I like to call it my "sledgehammer" approach to nutrition. I want an effective eating pattern that I can just hammer away on without getting detailed...I don't want to count anything or chart anything or plan anything or cook a week of stuff in Tupperware.
So when I finished putting these meal plans together and handed them in, the professor SHREDDED them.
The protein intake was way too high (of course ;), the calorie intake was way too high (again, of course ;), there weren't enough vegetables (ok, he had me there), and the meals weren't "balanced"...whatever that meant...the bloodbath went on through the whole thing.
I got a D on the meal plans...
And even though I knew all the theory and chemistry behind nutrition (I can still recognize the shape of a sucrose molecule), those meal plans brought me down.
However...that near-failure didn't stop me from looking for a BETTER way to approach my nutrition.
And over the years, I've tried and tested a LOT of different approaches to eating...low-fat, low-carb, high-frequency, intermittent fasting, name it.
Not long ago, I FOUND what I was looking for.
And it was Nate Miyaki's Half Day Diet program.
This was an approach that was similar to stuff I had been experimenting with, so when I read through it and his explanations of it (and all the piles of research behind it!), I knew he was really onto something. It all made perfect sense to me.
And when I tried it, I LOVED it.
- No meal plans...
- No "details" or "counting" to worry about...
- No missing out on social events and social eating because it's "not on my diet"...
This eating approach is based on how your body was MEANT to function. It's literally the EASIEST diet that I have ever been on...and it works.
I mean REALLY works.
It works so well that I'm still using it right now and I don't forsee myself needing to change it up any time soon (the only time I will is if I use one of my program that requires some dietary modifications for maximum effect).
Time Is Running Out...
Right now (as you've been seeing the past few days), this program has been on sale for just 9 BUCKS.
That's about to end.
And I'm such a big fan of this nutritional approach, I would really hate for you to miss out on this opportunity. The information is eye-opening and (potentially) life-changing.
Seriously...could you imagine how much of an impact a nutritional approach like this could have on your life?
- No more limiting yourself to salads when you go out to dinner...have that big steak, potatoes AND dessert, and stay lean BECAUSE of it. I do.
- No more bogging yourself down all day with a big carb-filled breakfast.
- No more spending all your time cooking and preparing a week of meals in advance.
Eat and enjoy it. It's liberating...I experienced it, and you can, too.
So if you're interested at all (and you should be), jump on this asap because tonight at midnight, the price of the Half Day Diet program is going to go WAY up...and this is your last chance to pick it up for just 9 BUCKS.
The price is insane.
To me, this is a book you absolutely should have in your library.
There is zero risk to you with the 60-day money-back guarantee Nate has on the book. Pick it up, have a read through and get ready to see MASSIVE results.
If you decide to pick up a copy of the Half Day Diet, I'm also going to throw in a copy of a really cool program that I developed but haven't released yet called "7-Day Body Recomposition."
This is a very simple 7 day training schedule that is designed to help you lose fat AND gain muscle and strength, all within the course of a week. Then you just repeat the cycle until you get to where you want to be.
It's a great fit for this style of eating and extremely effective for building muscle and burning fat...changing your body composition.
When you pick up the Half Day Diet, just forward a copy of your receipt to and we'll hook you up with the program.
Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"