Subject: Already strong at push-ups? Then here's a version you should be doing...

If you can do a lot of push-ups (like 30+), this is a good one for you.

It's a pretty simple setup...all you need is a chair or bench...and it's going to allow you to put most of your bodyweight loading onto the pecs.

It basically takes a one-arm push-up (which normally puts more loading on the triceps) and allows you to shift that loading onto the chest instead.

Works great and will challenge you, even if you're strong.

Check out One-Arm Bench Push-Ups here.


The Perfect Food to Stock Up On During Quarantine...

If you've been watching the news, you may have seen that a number of meat processing plants have been temporarily shutting down in order to protect their workers.

This doesn't necessarily mean a meat shortage in the US, but it is smart to stock up on alternative, easily-storable protein sources like a good protein powder, so you're covered just in case.

Here's a great deal on one of my favorite brands.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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