Subject: Abs are NOT made in the kitchen...(agree or disagree?)

Bruce Lee didn't make his abs in the kitchen.

He made his abs with hard training.

I really can't stand that saying "abs are made in the kitchen."

Sure, you need to lose bodyfat to SEE your abs, but without the training, all you're revealing is a set of flat, soft, unimpressive abs. It makes no sense to me.

And MY abs are not made in the kitchen, either.

I train my abs HEAVY, with INSANE weights and in point this 500 lb one shoulder lockout barbell hold.

Now, I fully realize that not everybody wants to train like Bruce Lee...or like me...

I DO know, however, that you WANT a better set of abs (who doesn't, right?).

That's where my friend Andrew Raposo comes in.

Right now, he's currently launching the "2.0" version of his ab-training program called "Fighter Abs."

This is REALLY good stuff...ab workouts from total beginner to very advanced level, based on his training experience as a nationally-ranked Muay Thai fighter.

It goes without saying that his ab training methods HAVE to work or he'll fold like a cheap suit with the first hard body shot.

And now he's bringing that expertise to YOU to help you with your abs...toughen them up, flatten your stomach and develop that six-pack so that it POPS in spectacular fashion.

I've tested out a few of his concepts and I really like the way he's put the workouts and exercises together...challenging, effective and absolutely doable no matter what level of trainer you are.

You can learn more about his program here...

I like this program so much that to help sweeten the deal, when you pick up a copy of his program, I'm going to give you a FREE copy of my own book "The Best Combat Athlete Exercises You've Never Heard Of" to go with it.

FREE Bonus

When you purchase (make sure you use a link in this email to qualify), just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up with a download of it (including demo videos for all the exercises).

This book not only covers abs, it covers exercises that will improve punching, kicking, grappling, explosive power...the whole enchilada....incredibly effective stuff.

And it's yours FREE when you get Figher Abs though any link in this email.

Go check it out now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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