Subject: AMAZING stories of people like you losing stubborn fat FAST...

If you've ever had trouble losing fat, you're going to want to read these stories from people who have used my Metabolic Surge program.

The results that are possible with it are just incredible...


Hi Nick,

I purchased the Metabolic Surge e-book about eight weeks ago and just finished up the strength and recovery phase. Let me say that I can't wait until next week so I can start all over. I cannot believe the results that I got. I really didn't have an accurate way of measuring my bodyfat when I started, so I got a pair of Accu-Measure calipers about three weeks into the program. At that time I weighed 255 at 26% bodyfat and my clothing were already starting to get loose. Now I weigh 253 with 23% bodyfat.

That's a 3% loss [in bodyfat] in only 4 weeks. Unbelieveable! I took before and after pictures like you recommended and what a difference, especially the picture from behind.

Also, when you said that I wouldn't lose muscle and might even add some, I thought you were a little off your rocker. WAS I WRONG.

Not only did I not lose any, I really slapped it on. Here is an example of one of my strength gains. Prior to starting I could flat bench 205 for 5 reps. My last strength and recovery workout I did 235 for 6 reps. Absolutely every muscle group saw gains.

Now straight from the heart, let me thank you very, very much for putting together this program and offering it at such a reasonable price.

For the last six years, I have been trying to find a way to shed weight and have had one failure after another only to wind up being heavier. You have helped me overcome the biggest obstacle on this journey, my work schedule. Working 12 hour days is no picnic. Working out after a 12 hour day would have been insane, training the way that I always trained. I always lifted for 45 minutes and then did 30 minutes of cardio 5 or 6 days a week. My diet was never what it should have been either.

Now I can go after work, hit it hard and get home and it's only an extra hour. You also helped me out with some adjustments to the program to accomodate my schedule. I once asked a trainer at my gym how I could maximize my training on this schedule and he told me I should change jobs. He doesn't work there anymore.

I was thinking a few months ago if I look okay next summer I would be happy. Now I want to see if I can get a six pack for Xmas, and I am not talking beer.

By the way, my wife, who is still battling the extra weight from our daughter, who is three, is 2/3 of the way through the Level One program. She has seen more results in the two weeks she has been on your program than she did in the two months she spent working with a personal trainer. Don't get me wrong, she did get results, but not this good. She's planning on doing the full program next. She was so excited when she pulled out the boxes of her old clothing this past weekend and started fitting into all of the smaller sizes.

Anyway Nick, thanks a million. You are a fine person and should take pride in this program. I have been checking out for my future fitness needs. Right now I am just going to stick with Metabolic Surge until I fulfill what I only thought was a dream.

Thanks again.
Keith Hallman


Hi Nick,

Just letting you know I have finished Level 1 Training of the Metabolic Surge and am on day 3 of the recovery phase. Overall, I have lost 18 lbs and 24 inches.

I am now 235 lbs and 5' 3" (I was 268 lbs originally and 254 lbs at beginning of the Metabolic Surge Level 1 Training) so am still very big but this is the lightest and most mobile I have been for about 5 years. I wore 2 skirts recently that I haven't fit into since my niece was born (she is now 5 years old) and they are loose!!!

So even though I have a long way to go (target of 125 lbs and about 17% bodyfat), I know it is possible and I can definitely achieve this goal. It is very hard work and hard to always stay focused but it is well worth the results.

This is just to say thank you and that your plan really works (I know you know this already :o)) and a year from now I'll have the physique I earn with it's help. Very best regards and thanks for all your time and help.

Audrey Dodd, UK


Hi Nick,

I am on day 27 of Metabolic surge and I would just like to say this program has been fantastic.

The fat loss results that I have experienced have been far past my expectations in four weeks and my strength has remained constant despite the high volume. My muscle mass has increased, which is the thing I love the most about your program.

All I can say is thank you Nick. I am closer now than ever before to my dream body (one I could bear to look at) than ever before and I am much happier with who I am now, I feel stronger to my very core mentally and emotionally and I feel alive like a new man.

My life has changed and success seems to be following me around like a puppy. I'm doing great at school, I have more energy than ever before, beautiful girls are attracted to me and its all down to you Nick and what you made me. I hope you will continue making new programs as this one was truly life changing, I feel ready to take on the world.

You have given me my youth back. All the best the world has to offer

Arran Macdonald-Mitchell


And there are a LOT more stories just like this on the site that you can read.

Just know that TODAY is your LAST chance to pick it up...period.

And you can get it for just 10 BUCKS.

I'm ALSO going to give you a chance to include my Metabolic Monsters book for another 10 bucks ($20 total for both).

When you pick up this package, I will also include a suggested schedule on how to incorporate the Metabolic Monsters workouts into the Surge nutrition program so that you get even BETTER results.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Surge.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Monsters.


At the end of the day today, I will be taking the program down off my site and it will not be available anymore at all.

If you know you want to get it, you can click here to go buy the Surge program directly here.

If you want the two book combo package, you can buy it directly here.

Definitely take advantage of this right now, while it's still available.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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