Subject: AMAZING deep core training - Propeller Pallof Presses

This variation of the Pallof Press is going to hit your core with a completely new movement pattern.

It's killer strength training for the deep core muscles, done in a way they've never experienced before.

Those deep core muscles (obliques and transversus) are responsible for bracing strength with heavy lifts like squats and deadlifts as well as for flattening your stomach and tightening your waist (like an internal corset).

You'll be using bands and an EZ curl bar to perform this one, for lighter training or with an Olympic bar to bring in a whole new level of loading on top of the anti-rotational stuff (more bracing and anti-flexion).

Check it out here...this one will just HAMMER your core.

Propeller Pallof Presses Finish

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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